Immortality Means Never Dying


We were good at adapting. So we slept during the day for a few hours. Then, when the sun was almost gonna set, we woke and 'got ready'. Which is ridiculous because our clothes are probably gonna get blood stained again anyway.

"Tell me about you and Mikey," Anne asked Stacy casually as she put on her make-up.

"What about me and Mikey?" Stacy said warningly. "There is no me and Mikey."

"Sure," I said. "But that depressed little vampire sure did perk up after your little discussion." Anne laughed.

"He didn't even tell me why he was depressed," Stacy said, putting on earrings. "Besides, what with you and Frankie boy?"

Anne laughed again.

"What with me and Frankie boy?" I asked Stacy mockingly. "There is no me and Frankie boy."

"Let's just go!" Anne said, jumping up and down. Again. For the millionth time in our lives.

We left our apartment building and walked to the familiar alley where Anne had been unconscious on the floor the night before. She shuddered when she saw her blood, still on the floor and walls. We walked through the familiar door, up the familiar flight of stairs and to the familiar door. Stacy bit her lip and unlocked the door. We peeked inside. The sun was just setting, so we figured they'd be asleep.

"Where do you think they sleep?" Anne whispered once we were inside.

"Coffins?" Stacy asked rhetorically as she closed the door behind us.

The windows in the living room had been boarded up, to keep the sun out. We walked to the other side of the living room where there was a short hallway. There was a single dim light in the middle of the ceiling. On one side of the wall there were three doors, as well as on the other.

"Pick a door," I whispered. Stacy walked over to the closest door. She turned the knob and opened it. Anne and I burst into laughter.

"A bathroom?" Stacy rhetorically asked the small room that contained a toilet, a sink and a bathtub.

"Next door," Anne whispered. I walked over to the door across from the bathroom. I turned the knob slowly. The three of us tiptoed inside.

The room was small and had white walls. Sure enough, there was a coffin on top of a short table in the middle of it.

"Told you," Stacy whispered. "Who do you think this is?"

There was a side table beside the coffin. On it was a pair of glasses.

"Mikey," I said. Stacy smiled. Anne rolled her eyes.

We walked over to the coffin. We each put our hands on what we assumed was the top half and lifted it. It was much heavier than you'd think. Anne and I put our hands down almost instinctively but Stacy kept her hands on the side of the coffin. Mikey was in it, obviously. His eyes were closed.

"What now?" Anne said impatiently. Suddenly, Mikey's hand shot up and grabbed Stacy's. He opened his eyes wide. Anne and I jumped.

"If only it was possible for him to scare us to death," I whispered to Anne. She chuckled. Mikey sat up.

"Hi," he said politely.

"Hi," Stacy said. She passed him his glasses. Anne groaned.

"Can I talk to you," Mikey said to Stacy, and then added to Anne and I, "in private?"

"No," Anne and I said at the same time.

"Sure," Stacy said, smiling like an idiot and ignoring her two best friends. I hit her in the back of the head.

"What can I do to her, huh?" Mikey asked. "I just wanna talk to her."

I sighed. It couldn't hurt, right?

"Fine, we'll leave you two alone," I said.

"We will?" Anne said.

"We will."

So Anne and I left the room together. Mikey wouldn't start "talking" until we were gone. We walked to the next door over.

"This place is creepy," Anne said. I nodded in agreement. Anne turned the knob slowly. The room was a mirror image of Mikey's, minus the side table with the glasses.

"Who do you think this is?" I asked Anne.

She shrugged and said, "Hopefully it's Bob."

"'Hopefully it's Bob?'" I repeated, smirking at her.

"You probably hope it's Frank."

"You're both wrong."

Anne and I jumped at the semi-familiar voice. We turned around to meet the hungry eyes of the amused vampire...
♠ ♠ ♠
You may or may not notice/have noticed the thingy on the homepage (I'm such a Mibban00b I don't even know what it's called...ah, news?) that said 'Frank Iero Married'. It said...according to the Bouncing Souls' MySpace. I checked and erm I see no proof? So I went from being giddy squared to trying not to hate the person that posted
Anyway...I hope it's true. And comments make me smile. <3