Immortality Means Never Dying


"Ray?" Anne said nervously. He had the weird hungry look in his eyes. Like he was thirsty.

"Hello girls," he said, taking a slow step closer to us.

"Ray, are you okay?" I asked nervously. He licked his lips.

"Mikey didn't react this way," Anne whispered to me, taking a step backward.

"Run," Ray whispered harshly.

"What?" I asked fearfully.

"I can only guarantee I won't rip you to shreds if you leave my room now."

We didn't need to be told twice. Anne Marie and I brushed passed him and out his door. We stood with our backs against the door, breathing heavily. Ray hit the door from the other side.

"What was that?" Anne said.

"I don't know," I said, honestly.

"He can't rip us to shreds."

"Are you sure about that?"

She was silent.

"But Mikey didn't look at us that way," Anne said. "He looked fine."

"Maybe it's what Bob said," I suggested. "That he's older?"

"Speaking of Bob, can I look for him?" So typical Anne.

"Go," I said. "We'll take different doors this time."

Anne and I separated. I took the last door on that side of the hall. I opened and closed the door slowly. The room was exactly the same as the others. Except one tiny factor: The coffin was open and empty.

I walked over to the middle of the room and looked inside the coffin. Being that I still wasn't used to the surprises, I gasped when I felt a hand over my mouth. I tried to scream.

"Don't scream," Gerard whispered into my ear. "At least not yet."

He wrapped both his arms around me. I tried pulling away but, guess what? I couldn't.

"What do you want from me?" I said. "I thought you were gonna help us."

"The only problem with that," he said, "is that you were gonna help us."

"Then just do it already," I told him.

"Oh, I don't want your blood."

I stopped struggling. "What?"

He kissed my neck. "You're a really pretty girl, you know."

I struggled even more. "Let me go."

Gerard chuckled. "No."

I screamed at the top of my lungs. He bought his hand back up to my mouth but kept the other around me. I gave up on struggling.

"Just answer me one question before I use you to satisfy myself," he whispered into my ear. That's when I realized that he can only mesmerize me if I looked him in the eye.

All those stupid vampire stories...

"What?" I hissed.

"Do you have feelings for-"

"No! I. Do. Not!"

"You didn't let me finish."

I sighed.

"Do you," Gerard started asking again, "have feelings for Frank?"

"Why do you even care?" I said.

"Can I take that as a yes?"


It was true. I couldn't deny that. I enjoyed being with Frank and I didn't have to be looking into his eyes.

Although those eyes did help.

"Great," Gerard said a second before sinking his teeth into my neck for the second time in less than twenty-four hours.

I thought this time it might hurt. But it still didn't. Gerard hissed and pulled away.

"Why does that happen?" he complained.

"Why does what happen?" I asked, unfazed by his 'sucking my blood'.

"It tastes like poison," he said, wide-eyed.

"What?" I asked.

"Just go find Frank. You know you want to."

"Yeah I kinda do."

"Last door on the left."

I left the room as quickly as possible. The door next to the bathroom I guessed was Bob. So I went farther down the hall to the very last door; the one Frank was inside.

I sighed and turned the knob quietly. The room was identical to the others, of course. I tipped-toed over to the coffin, not knowing whether or not I should wake him. I decided it'd be better if I did but really I just wanted to see his face.

So I lifted the top half of the coffin slowly. It was much heavier without help. But it was worth it.
Frank looked so peaceful sleeping with his hands on his stomach. I couldn't resist the urge to push his hair away from his closed eyes.

"Frank," I whispered. He didn't stir. "Frankie." He didn't react at all.

I sighed and turned around. But the second I did, Frank stood in front of me. I jumped back, startled, and bumped into the now empty and open casket.

Frank chuckled and said,

"Hello to you, too, beautiful."

Beautiful? Yeah, right.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've tried to post this so many times >.< Couldn't. Now I did!

lmao I don't have to say it, you all know, the Ieros, yeah... Me ish so hoppy fo' dem. Now, Ray needs to go get married and Bob needs to ask that girl to marry him. lmao that'd be so weird if they all get married around the same time... Seriously, I think a year ago I was happy for Mikey but sad he wasn't playing my show and six months ago I was watching Gerard and Lyn Z be a comic book store... XD

A few things: 1) I respond to comments. By quoting you. That's how I met some real good friends ^^ And, lol, that's why my other story has so many comments XD 2) My weekends' booked *surprise!* so idk when I'll update again. 3) This story calls for a spin-off. Not yet. All let you guys know... 4) If anyone reads DFTB, I'll try to update today because I promised someone. 5) I. LIKE. COMMENTS. =]

I talk too much... *zippers up mouth*
