Status: Ha


New Rules

I pick up glass pieces from the floor. Dad says I only have to do this until next week. I’m fine with this crappy job. I get really delicious pizzas in return, so it's not like I'm doing any hard labor. A person purposely slams into a glass window. The glass shatters onto the glossed floor. I hurry to pick up glass from this spot and move to the other.
I don’t usually clean other people’s mess. But dad says I have to- so I can eat zombies. I wouldn’t call the man who half created me ‘dad’. I only call him that because it is necessary for me to get some help from him. He has connections from the that place and I've heard he's now one of the top dogs because of Mr. Harrisom's death. I didn’t even get to kill Mr. Harrison, no fair. It would have been way more entertaining to watch him squirm than Ms. Wise. She is a boring old lady and only got her name by telling fake stories about her life. How do I know this, you may ask? She would creep down at my cage whispering lies to my ears. Before I escaped, Ms. Wise was promoted to a Leader- the highest rank an old lady can get.

I hold the glass pieces in my cupped hands and throw them into a nearby glass recycling bin. I hear someone yelling, “Gimme’ my porn! Where is it? I want my porn!”

It is Untoten wanting his ‘adult videos’(dad says to call it that way). He always yells at this time of the morning. It doesn’t annoy me, but it drives the nurses crazy. Untoten stays at the medical ward. He overdoses many times, how he gets the pills from the locked cabinet is a wonder.

Untoten runs to me. He has the wild look in his eyes again. He ate too much candy…again. What can I do? Dad says I have to do what normal girls my age would do: Be annoying, flirt, care about boys, care about what people think of me(at least that’s what the girls in movies do).

Untoten passes me, into a group of cats. He pets them until they run away from fright. He looks at them running away, and finally realizes they are running away and chases the cats. I ignore the noise he makes at the end of the hallway.

There are rules in this so called lab I have to follow. I can’t name all of them at once. The rules are only used at and by me. It's not what I would actually do. I don’t like rules from dad’s mouth. He nags like an old lady. It actually becomes a dangerous task when he talks to me at dinner. One of the rules is to eat like a ‘family‘. I have to eat with a fork and spoon. No one gives me a knife, they are too afraid of me to trust me with very sharp objects. I have to nod at what everybody says, even if what they say makes no sense. It is a bother to wipe my face with a napkin and throw it away! Who does that? I never had used a napkin before. Now I have to. And why? Because dad says so.

I would be better off picking up glass than use a napkin. But I do both since it is the proper way to keep a deal with dad. The other proper way is to annoy him until he says it is okay to visit the group I created, the humans. The group lives at a portable. They aren’t allowed to enter the big buildings. The group is as if they are not supposed to be here. Though, it is true. The only reason they were allowed to live 5 months ago was because I convinced dad to not kill them. I don’t want to break the deal that me and the humans made. I will kill the leaders, even if dad says not to.

I arrived at the portable. The portable is t-shaped house that originally was created for visitors(I know that much from history class). Fred runs out of the new doggy door that is built just for him(I now have to call him by his given name). He follows me into the building. Martha greets me in the kitchen. She tells me her cookies are ready. I happily eat a sugar cookie. Martha nibbles her cookie. We eat our cookies in peace. Until an earthquake hits the portable.