Take Care,

Dear you,

Dear you,


…It’s been a while, huh? I guess you probably don’t remember me, but oh well. We had some great times when you were younger. It was just you and me against the world. Heh, I guess that might sound a bit creepy coming from someone you don’t recall ever meeting.

I remember one time you had the idea to ‘plant’ your favourite stuffie in the garden so that it would grow into a great big tree full of them. You told me you were going to have ‘the greatest tea party in the whole world!’ Of course I went along with it; how could I not have? You ended up crying into your pillow after you realized what you’d actually done, but ah well. We live and learn, right?

You know, you always did have a way of persuading me to go along with your harebrained schemes even though I knew it was going to end badly. Your mom would always use the most awful voice when she told us to go sit in the corner. Heh, you would always make that cheeky face at me when you knew she wasn’t looking. You were kind of a brat back then.

But you know what else? I miss that brat. I miss you. I miss fighting pretend dragons and rescuing you from the mossy tower of the bunk bed you insisted your parents buy so that I could have a place to sleep. I miss you asking me to blow out the candles you missed on your birthdays. I miss the joyful screams on Christmas morning. I miss growing up.

But I understand. You made other friends. I always had the suspicion that your parents didn’t really think it was good for you to be with me so much, anyway. They never did get it.

I just wish I could still be there for you. Lately, you seem like you could use a friend more than ever. Ah well. I’m leaving you this letter in the hope that I can at least make you feel a little better.

Anyway, before I go, I just want to give you some advice from one friend to another. First, I’m not gonna tell you that guy’s no good for you; everyone else has been doing that enough. I know you love him, but you do deserve better. Trust me. I know you. And second, don’t worry about what you’re gonna do once you finish school. Everyone figures it out eventually, and so will you. And last… don’t be afraid to be that little girl I knew. Maybe not the one that draws on the walls with crayon and then blames me for it (you lying monkey), but the one who was never afraid to do what her heart told her to. Well... yeah. I guess that's it.

See you around,
Your invisible friend.