Status: It's back :)

My Baby

She's Still Beautiful

How I could've been so stupid, I don't know. I don't know anything. My fucking mom is probably pregnant for all I know. How couldn't I have noticed? How the fuck didn't I notice? Of course she's getting bigger, Gage, she's pregnant!

"It's okay, Gage, really. Honestly. Perfectly. Fine." She was still grabbing onto my arm. It felt like it was on fire.

"Do you need some water?" I smiled and pulled my arm away, what I hoped was inconspicuously.

"No, what? I'm good. Shoot...I knew this was going to ruin everything." She sucked her lips in and started blinking rapidly.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. It hasn't ruined anything, what are you talking about!"

"Well, I thought you knew I was pregnant, but I was trying to hide my fat belly from you anyway! I just couldn't accept the thought of ruining your crush, or whatever it is, on me because of a mistake I made and I just want some guy to like me. Not a jerk like my ex, who got me pregnant, but some nice guy like you. I just wanted a nice guy--"

"Slow down, Emma." I tried to hide my smile. She was so cute. "I do like you."

She looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yep, I like you. There ya go. And you're beautiful! Never think you aren't. I don't care if you're pregnant, or a stripper, or a whore...actually I do care if you were a whore because that would just be gross...and a stripper too because other men would be, like, beating off to you at night." She started cracking up. I finally couldn't hold my smile any longer.

" doesn't bother you?" She blinked at me again, her blue eyes shining a little bit from tears.

"Nope, not at all," I lied.