Status: It's back :)

My Baby


I sat down on one of the benches outside of school, my stomach was showing more now that I was 4 months pregnant. I caught people looking at me a lot more, probably wondering how old I was.

I heard someone behind me and turned around slowly, getting used to my belly being bigger, trying not to bump it on stuff.

"Hi," I said to the guy. I knew him, he was in one of my classes.

"Hey..." He looked a little shocked. He sat down.

"Do you mind me asking your name?" I felt a little ashamed that I hadn't bothered to know his name this whole time he's been in my class.

"Oh, not at all," He laughed. That was a good sign. "It's Gage."

"Cool name." I smiled.

"Yeah...and yours is Emma."

"Yep," I said. I felt more guilty because he knew my name. He was a dick in a subconscious way.

" it's gonna get awkward." He laughed some more. He had a cute laugh, and a cute smile. He was really cute. With his flippy brown hair and stunning blue eyes...I couldn't resist. I was a sucker for those kinds of guys. I wondered why I never noticed him before.

Then I remembered something. I glanced down at my belly and tucked my jacket over it, attempting to hide it. Like he didn't know I was pregnant, but whatever.

"No it won't! Um..." I couldn't help but laugh a little too to ease the awkwardness, for the life of me I couldn't think of something to say.

"Yeah, see what I mean. So...maybe...okay." He took a couple of deep breaths and laughed some more. "I'm just gonna say this: do you maybe...want to hang out or something sometime?"

A smile broke out across my face. I couldn't believe he just asked me that. "Yeah, that would be awesome!"

"Really?" His eyebrows went up. "I mean...that's cool. Cool. What are you doing today?"

"Uh, well I have somewhere to be today," I said, remembering my obgyn appointment.

"Oh. Of course, that's cool and everything, I understand."

"How 'bout tomorrow?" I said, hoping he could do it.

"Yeah, that'd be perfect." Another one of his straight, white-teethed smiles etched it's way back into his smooth features.

"Nice, nice." I nodded. The bell rang and I was grateful, I didn't know what else to say. I stood up and my jacket fell a little away from my belly, I quickly pulled it back up. Maybe he didn't notice. I was being ridiculous...if I really liked this guy, some day he would have to figure out I was pregnant.