Status: It's back :)

My Baby

Jane's Restaurant

In school the next day I tried to avoid awkwardness with Emma. It wasn't easy because whenever we saw each other, since we didn't know each other well when I asked her out, we kind of laughed in a weird way and looked for a way to leave so we wouldn't have to talk.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked her out when we didn't even know each other. God knows she probably just took pity on me and said yes.

After school I frantically searched for her. It was sort of pathetic I have to admit, looking for her so desperately. I finally found her by her locker.

I knew where her locker was.

"Gage!" She beamed at me. That was a good sign.

"Hey, Emma." I tried to hide that I was out of breath. It wasn't easy. "Ready to go?"

"Yep, so are we just going somewhere close? I don't like to walk a whole lot..."

"Oh, sure," I said. "We can just go hang out at Jane's if you want to." I was a little confused about why she didn't want to walk very far. Her friends and she used to go out all the time for lunch and walk all the way to Subway. She loved walking.

"Yeah, Jane's is good." She grabbed her coat and purse out of her locker and slammed it shut. "Let's get on our way."

I liked Jane's. It was a local restaurant that I used to come to when I was a kid with my mom. She bought my donuts every time we came.

Emma ordered two donuts and a hamburger. I ordered fries. No wonder she was getting bigger. I almost punched myself for thinking that, but honestly, maybe she should slow down on the donuts. Not that she wasn't sexy as hell still, weight didn't change that, it was just...she was getting bigger faster than normal. It wasn't healthy.

"Oh, here, let me grab a couple bucks outta my purse." She reached around and started pulling out her wallet inside.

"Nah, I got it," I said. Hopefully I impressed her with that one.

"Thanks." She grabbed her food and hurried over to the only booth in the restaurant.

" like donuts, huh?" I asked. She gave me disgusted look. Whatever points I earned with paying for her food just got completely demolished.

Her face went calm. "I'm a fat ass ain't I?" She set her donut down on her plate.

"Are you kidding?!" I exclaimed. "No way in hell. You're seriously are. Fucking sexy."