Status: This is a really new story I just started writing the other day... plz enjoy...

The Secret Note


I looked at the back of his head in disbelief. Never had Mitch done something like this, never has he told a secret of mine, and this qualified as a secret I didn’t want out. Anger washed over me, and I grabbed his shoulder and spun his around as best as I could. He just looked at me with his expressionless eyes.
“I didn’t want him to know yet! I thought I could trust you. I thought you were my friend! Why the hell did you let him listen for?!” I said, yelling a little louder than intended.
“He would have found out eventually.” He repeated.
That was it. Without realizing what I was doing, I slapped him, hard, across the face. Almost at the same instant I slapped him, my hands flew up to cover my mouth. That was the first time I had ever slapped Mitch, or any of my friends to be exact.
“Mitch, I… I’m sorry! I didn’t mean…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence.
The stunned look on his face told me that he was just as surprised as I was. Tears started to fall from my eyes as he looked at me, rubbing the red hand print on his cheek. I couldn’t handle that look, so I ran past him and out of the door, not stopping until I came to the opposite end of the hall, trying to figure out which way to go.
I quickly decided to go left, noticing a sign with the symbol for stairs on it. I jerked the door open and ran up the stairs as fast as I could. How could I have done that?! Mitch is like a brother to me, and I slapped him. He was right, Leh would have found out eventually, but I didn’t want him to know yet!
I paused when I got to about the fifth floor, sitting down on the stairs and curling up so that my arms wrapped around my knees, and my face in my arms. I was still crying, trying not to be too loud, in case there were people nearby. That’s when I heard Leh holler my name. I didn’t reply, but waited for him to find me. Once I seen him appear from the stairs below me, I quickly dried my tears and continued to lay there.
“There you are! I was worried sick! I heard what happened between you and Mitch. I’m sorry that I was snooping around when I shouldn’t have been.” Leh said, sitting beside me.
“It’s fine. Like Mitch said, you would have found out eventually.” I said, never moving.
“You know, I didn’t really mean to snoop. I was actually going to get something to drink when I heard Mitch say something about me. That’s when I decided to listen. I was just curious.” Leh said, placing his hand gently on my back.
I looked up at him, a trace of tears still on my face. He looked at me with a worried look, I guess not really sure what to say. I took a breath before speaking, trying to make sure that I wouldn’t start crying again.
“I know you didn’t mean to, but you should have been smarter than that. It’s not like you to snoop around Leh. I was really mad at Mitch for not saying anything and I…” I had to pause, remembering the expression on Mitch’s face when I slapped him. Tears began to form. “I slapped him!”
Leh had a stunned look on his face, much like the one Mitch had when I slapped him. I put my face back into my arms, the tears coming without my consent. I hated myself for hurting Mitch. I hated the fact that I had even got the nerve to slap him. I felt Leh pull me, then stop, like he was hesitating. Suddenly, he had a hold of my arms and his lips smashed against mine.
Is this… Leh? This can’t be! Leh would never do this… would he? What should I do? Should I let him kiss me, or should I push him away?
I decided to kiss him back. I mean, why the heck not? I do like him after all. I don’t quite think he was expecting it though.
He pulled away and looked at me wide eyed, making me blush. “What is this? You’re kissing me back? Well, what should I think about this?”
“Don’t think anything, and don’t ask for another, because it won’t happen.” I said, blushing deeper.
“No need too. That one was sweeter than the chocolate I just ate.” Leh said, smiling at me.
“Not funny. How is Mitch?” I asked, wanting to change the subject.
He just smiled and closed his eyes, letting me go. “Fine, kind of worried about you though.”
I couldn’t say anything. If I were Mitch, I would be the last person I would want to see. I could tell that Leh knew how I was feeling. He wrapped me in another hug, only this time, it was more tender.
“What should I do? I slapped him, pretty hard too.” I said, grabbing the back of Leh’s jacket.
“I’m not sure. At first, when me and Scott walked into the room and seen Mitch just sitting on the couch rubbing his cheek, we thought you guys were pulling a joke. But when we seen how seriously surprised his expression was, we instantly got worried.” Leh explained, laying his cheek on the top of my head.
“I didn’t mean to slap him, really I didn’t. I would never intentionally do something like that.” I said, my eyes tearing up for what seemed like the hundredth time today.
“I know, and so does he.” Leh paused before speaking again. “Come on, we should get back before they think I have ran off with you or something.”
I looked up at him, somewhat surprised to see him smiling at me. I couldn’t help but smile back. I wouldn’t forget the kiss, but we weren’t a couple either. Nothing like that would happen again. He helped me up and waited until I felt sturdy to let me go. He started down the stairs first, me following close behind.
I couldn’t help but look at him while he wasn’t looking, blushing whenever he caught me. Just before we got to the third floor door, he caught me and winked to show that he knew I was watching him, which was weird. For all the eight years I have known my three friends, there is still something I didn’t know about them.
Mitch for instance. How did he know that Leh was watching us? I didn’t see or hear Leh at all, but yet, Mitch knew exactly where he was and how long he had been listening. Scott on the other hand, he’s loud and obnoxious, but quiet and calm when concentrating on his fighting skills. Leh is special too. Although, I can’t really place how Leh is, I just know he is. Me, I’m just a normal person.
“Try and smile when you see Mitch. I’m sure he is still worried about you.” Leh said, cutting into my thoughts again.
“Okay.” I said, smiling the best I could.
“That’s good. Now come on, before they send the whole Hotel looking for us.”
He held the door open for me as I walked past him, smiling again. I waited for him to catch up with me before continuing to our room. We walked in silence until we got to the door, then Leh signaled me to smile so Mitch wouldn’t be so worried. I shook my head, smiling to show that I would.
“Look who I found!” Leh said, opening the door, pushing me ahead of him.
“Kara!” Mitch said, an unusual amount of relief in his voice.
He practically jumped over the couch and nearly speared me half way across the hall giving me a hug.
“Hi Mitch. I can’t breathe right now, so can you let me go please?” I asked, gasping for breath.
“Oh, sorry. Are you okay?” Mitch asked, letting me go.
“I should be asking you that question.” I said, taking a deep breath.
He just smiled, something he rarely did in a situation like this.