Status: 2nd chapter took a bit-- i was going to stop the story, but Geezy saved it. Updates should be somewhat quick, depending on my schedule, once things calm down.

Going, Going, Gone.

This is Halloween, Everybody Scream. (Auroura)

Klair and Henry walk up to the school at the same time as Christobal and Auroura. Christobal tries to grab Auroura's hand, but Auroura, being caught off guard, runs away, hiding behind Klair.
"What in tarnation?" Klair laughs, flattering Auroura's My Little Pony obsession.
"He grabbed my hoof! LookieLookieLookie! I has muh cutie mark! Me gusta!" Auroura starts pulling up her shirt to show a cloud bubble tattoo as Klair stops her. "LOOK! bumblenuggets, look at my cutie mark, spongenose tiebelt. Stupid wench." She pouts as Klair forces her arms to her side, pushing her into the school.
"I love how all you have left of that is a boomarang." Lexi says as she and Kacey walk up to the herd.
"Boomerang? where? Where are those neighing Canadians!" Auroura yells.
"Aussies!" The rest yell in correction.
"Kangaroo? Where es ze purple kangaroos?" Auroura screams in the middle of the hall. "Did yooooou know that kangaroos can't hop backwards.... cause they're not hip. Heheheh. Tuna fish." She hops backwards to Klair's locker before spotting the really tall guy. "Short guy! Wait up!" She dashes to him. "Darn, no sonic rainboom. Anyway, guess what. You can tune a piano.... pause for dramatic effect.... but you can't tuna fish." She bursts out hugglepuffing as the kid walks off. "No! He was my only friend!" She falls backwards onto her knees. "NOOOOOOOOO! Ihm melting!" She silently screams.
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After classes and detention, Auroura continued their tradition of racing to Klair's locker. Auroura took Christobal's hand, and pulled him to sit on the hallway floor with her while Klair jumped onto Henry's back. After Klair had her things, she, Henry, Auroura, and Christobal walked out of the school.
"Muahah. You know where we're going?" Auroura says, trying to act secretive and starts giggling uncontrollably. The others nod, then Henry and Klair go to Henry's car, of course, and Auroura and Christobal go to Chris's van.
Within fifteen minutes, the four arrive at Halloween Island.
"Happy Ieroween, everypony!" Auroura starts chuckling deviously.
They all run into the store, then split up and search for the perfect costume. After 47 minutes, they met up by the dressing rooms. Christobal's costume is the red Power Ranger; Klair chose a gray bunny costume with a wrinkled carrot; Henry has a penguin with a top hat. Auroura has no costume; she is going as Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance's Revenge era; black button-up shirt, bulletbroof-ish vest, X-s over her eyes. Everyone is happy with their costumes, so they pay then they all go home.
+¥+ Halloween! +¥+

"HAPPPYYYY IEROWEEEEEN! or should I say, HAPPY NIGHTMARE NIGHT!" Says Auroura, proud of herself for making both a My Chemical Romance and a My Little Pony one so quickly.
"You're insane, baby." Says Christobal.
"I am a teenager and you shall address me as such!" She huffed, then, of course, giggled uncontrollably.
He laughed, "Well okay. You're insane, teenager."

They had been trick or treating for 3 hours now, and it was getting late. Time to head home.

So many people had told them they were too old to be trick or treatung. Not mentally, though.

After a few moments, the four head their separate ways. Mostly. Auroura goes with Klair, not that that is surprising.
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Sorry, long wait for an awful chapter.
I was just kinda busy and really not in a writing mood..
If it helps, nonexistent readers, i've already written chapters 5-7, and my other author is working on 8. <3