Status: New. :3

Girl I Know

And I Feel So Ashamed

♥Ashley's POV♥

It had been five days since I indirectly broke off my relationship with Brian and my friendship with Ian.

I felt like fucking shit. I hadn't moved from my bed since I left Ian's house. No matter how many times Brian called my cell, or how many times Emily or Josh knocked at my door.

Guilt was running over me like a motherfucking train. I shouldn't have gotten mad at Ian like that.. how did I not notice he was in love with me all these years? I mean.. now that he told me.. it all fits together. All those extra things I thought he just did because he was sweet.. but no. It was because of me.

I shouldn't have thrown a fit when he told me that. I shouldn't have thrown a fit over him not telling me. It was my fault, my problem. He didn't need to be dragged into my shit. No matter how much he loved me. He didn't deserve it.

With a groan, I finally pulled myself out of my bed. I knew I looked like shit so I went to the bathroom and fixed myself up a little. I threw my curly blonde hair into a messy bun and put on some sweats and a hoodie - since it was pouring like hell outside. I didn't put on any make-up and I sighed. I didn't know what the fuck I was going to do, but I'd figure it out in time.

I made my way downstairs and I swear it was like Josh had just seen a naked chick for the first time. His eyes were wide as fuck and I raised an eyebrow. "Get a hold of yourself, Gaylord."

Emily came into the room and her look mirrored Josh's. I threw my hands up in the air. "I'M FUCKING ALIVE, OKAY?! STOP STARING."

Emily laughed after a few moments and she enveloped me in a tight hug. "We were worried! We didn't hear one sarcastic remark from you. Not one. Scared the shit out of us."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not that bitchy."

Emily shrugged. "Well.. you were kind of a bitch to Ian the other day."

"I was pissed, okay? He should have told me!" I tried to be mad at her but it was kind of hard and I sighed. "Okay. You're right. And that's why I'm out of my comfortable bed. To make things up with him."

I didn't want for them to say anything as I made my way out the door and into the storming weather. I realized my car was in the shop still and I cursed to myself. Ian's house wasn't that far away, though, so I just made the horrible walk down there.

I was soaking wet as I arrived at his doorstep, hood covering my damp face. I knocked furiously at his door until he answered.. on the eighth knock. His face went from blithe to confused and hurt and pissed but still hopeful.

"Ashley? What are you doing here.. did you walk all the way here?"

I ignored his first question and just nodded. I bit my lip. "Can I come in..?"

♥Josh's POV♥

I turned to Emily once Ashley was gone and she smiled at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. She leaned into my chest and I chuckled.

"What do you want to do today, Mr. Ramsay?" she asked, her words mumbled against my shirt. I shrugged at her question and rubbed her back.

"You chose something."

She lifted her face up and smiled adorably, her eyes twinkling. "Let's watch a movie and pig out on popcorn and play board games."

I laughed. "You dork."

Emily frowned. "You think I'm a dork?" she asked in her whining voice, her eyes sad.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled away from her and ruffled her hair. "Go make us the popcorn, dork. I'll go gather up the movies and such."

"DORK IS A TERM USED BY OLD PEOPLE!" Emily shouted as she walked into the kitchen and I just laughed, making my way downstairs to where I know they kept the movies.

As I came up from the basements, arms filled with board games and our favorite movies; I felt something hit me in the face and I frowned, dropping the stuff onto the couch. "Did you just threw a popcorn piece at me?"

Emily giggled. "Why, yes I did."

"That was rude."

"You called me a dork."

"A cute dork!" I added on slyly, smirking. She still shook her head and I just walked over to her, pushing her down onto the arm chair so I could kiss her.