Status: New. :3

Girl I Know

We Used To Belong Here

♥Ashley's POV♥
I was still fucking pissed as we exited the restaurant, but excitement shot through me as well. I saw that Brian's car had already left and for once, I really didn't give a shit. Let him be mad. He didn't do anything when that slutty, plastic bitch with too big of boobs and bleached hair insulted me.

I smiled at Ian as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. And for once, it was just like before. No boyfriends, no drama, no hatred.

Just like we had promised.

Behind us, Emily and Josh were walking side-by-side and laughing over something. I didn't know what, but just hearing them joke around made me smile hugely. I leaned closer into Ian as we walked back to his car, content.

We reached the car and I stopped Josh from opening the passenger door. "Hell no, Gaylord. I'm the birthday girl today," I said innocently and fluttered my eyelashes. "But don't worry, I got your pink tutu picked out for next year." I smirked as he made a face at me and I got into the passenger seat.

Ian grinned over at me as we started to drive. "Where to?" he asked softly.

"Uh, back to our place. We need some liquor," I made eye contact with Emily and we both smirked to ourselves.

Both of the boys rolled their eyes and we drove off to the house, blasting our old mixtapes from high school and sharing memories.

I felt fucking ecstatic.

I led them into the house and down to the basement, where we kept all the good stuff. I got out a few different flavors of vodka and some beer. "All set. Now, Ian, please film any stupid thing I might do."

Ian laughed. "Sure thing, ma'am," he said softly and winked.

I grinned at everyone and their faces mirrored mine. We were all happy. It was like we took a trip back to our sophomore year; back to when we would steal the alochol from our parents and hike up to the forest, coming out shitfaced and screaming songs at the top of our lungs.

The best fucking days of our lives. And now we were back.

After the long drive there, we finally made it up to the worn-down concert venue. We spent most of our teenage years there. Most of the times, wasted. No one ever came up here anymore, so it was secluded and the best place for a party.

The building was only lit by the two candles we brought, and we had a flashlight lying around somewhere just in case. Emily and I had mixed some of the flavors in water bottles and we had shot glasses lined up and filled to the brim. The camera was set up and everything was perfect.

This night was going to be amazing, and there was no doubting it.

I took two of the vodka shots and took them one after another, grinning as everyone cheered me on. We all took turns passing around the beer bottle and doing two shots at once, until we were completely shitfaced and our words slurring like fuck.

"Iaaaaann!" I slurred as I tackled him, almost knocking both us to the ground. I held onto his back as he laughed and spun us around and around. He carried me over to where the camera was and collaspoed with me still on his back. I shrieked and giggled, climbing on top of him as I looked into the camera.

"I fucking love this duude!" I screamed into the camera, hugging Ian in a side-hug - basically all I could manage because of my drunken state. Ian kept laughing at me as I spoke, my words slurred and all mushed together. "He's ... ohmygod, he's my best friendddd! I couldn't live without him!" I looked to Ian who was still grinning tipisily. "You know that right?! I looooove you thiiiis muuuuch!" My arms stretched out and hit him in the face and we both were shaking with laughter.

I don't know what happened next, but somehow I was sitting in his lap and we were making out. Our tongues tasted like beer and raspberry vodka, and my hands were tangled in his curly hair. My mind was completely erased from Brian.

And I didn't feel guilty.

♥Josh's POV♥

As I reached for the beer bottle from Emily, I saw Ashley and Ian tangled up in each other, basically eating each other's face. I pumped my hands into the air and cheered. "FUCK YEAH IAN! FUCK. YEAH."

Emily giggled feverishly as I chugged the beer, but her smile turned to a childish pout as she realized the bottle was now empty. "HEEEY UNIS. I WANTED SUMMA THAT."

I stuck my tongue out at her and smirked. "TOO BAD."

She scowled at me and climbed over me, snatching the bottle away from me. She threw it across the room and looked at me. "DON'T YELL AT ME!"


"I DON'T CARE!" I couldn't help but laugh as she yelled. It was adorable. In my drunken state, I stood up and almost fell backwards, but I managed to balance myself as I pulled her up with me. She started to grin as I took her hands and spun her around. We just danced across the room for the longest time, both of us laughing and stumbling around.

I dipped her and she squealed with excitement and surprise. I was about to pull her back up before she grabbed my hand and dragged me down with her. She placed her hands around my face and pulled it close to mine, her facial expression suddenly serious.

"Heeey Gaylord?" she asked.


The stunned look in her face didn't change for a few seconds. "Your eyes... they're so blue... THEY'RE SO BLUUUE." She started to giggle and I couldn't help but laugh myself, completely fixated on her. I had the sudden urge to kiss her, and that's what I did.
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