Status: Coming back to this!

Prince S.

becoming sebastian

As soon as the sun hit the horizon line, we give the servants the rest of the night off, demanding they immediately go to their chambers and get some well deserved rest. While that is extremely generous of us; it wasn't done for their benefit. Once we're sure all of the servant were tucked away, my father quietly leads my mother and I into the large dining room. We each take a seat- Father at the head, Mother and myself on either side of him. Father's pitch black hair -the hair that we all share- is smoothed back today, his crown placed gently on his head. His thin lips roll inward and his forehead is wrinkled with worry-lines as he thinks.

I know there is so much to plan, to do, to even think about. There is no way that the kingdom would support my becoming a male; they'd think I'm a witch and storm the castle, killing me and my family. Then again, I can't just disappear and have Sebastian show up and take my place. That will raise to many suspicious like; Where's Amelia? Where is this Sebastian kid from? We have to find the Princess! She's been kidnapped! Plus, it wouldn't look good on my father's part if his daughter went missing and he just pulls in someone else to take my place.

"We have to f-fake her death," Mother stutters weakly. We sigh and look over at her. As if we hadn't thought of that, Mother, I think to myself bitterly. I scold myself afterward. She's just trying to help.

"I know, I know, but what about Sebastian? Where will he come in?" Asks my father. That's where I've always got stuck when imagining what we'd do if this were to happen; but now that the time is finally here, I still can't figure out a thing. I mean, I could fake my death and then live with the townspeople as Sebastian, but father wants on of his children to run the kingdom after he's gone. It's silly, but if I were to run the kingdom after his death, we'd have the longest running family on the throne. Six generations; no one has made it past five. I guess he could just bring in someone after I'm gone and adopt them so they could take over after his demise. Oh Lord, that's it!

"After my death, you could adopt him," I mutter. When both of their eyes are focused on me, I continue, "He could be your long-lost nephew that you're adopting so this land can have a kind ruler after you...pass."

My father ponders this option carefully. Slowly, his head moves up and down in a slight nod. King Rowland, my father, the king with a swift and just heart- had just decided my fate. We spoke on into the night, planning out all the details. Soon, I will no longer even be this shining little princess that everyone sees me as. I can be the boy -the man- I've dreamed of being; the one that loves running around, getting down in the dirt, having the fun that men can. Most important of all, I can be the man that can finally love a woman.

As I stalk up the stairs to my bedroom, I know that this my last night as Amelia. My last night as a girl. I grin at this thought and sprint up the stairs, all thoughts of unhappiness leaving my body. I will no longer be that depressed daughter that mopes around the castle or the one who stays up all night hating herself. I will be reborn.

I will be Sebastian.


I'm already dangling from the bed-sheet tied around my neck as the servant girl, Annie, enters my bedroom. Her widened and horrified eyes follow my pale, unmoving form up until she sees the top of the sheet tied to the ceiling rafters. She drops everything that's in her hands -laundry and the like- and lets out a strangled scream as she turns and runs as fast as she can down the corridors of the castle screaming like a mad woman, "Your Highness! King Rowland, come quick!"

Using my foot, I quickly nudge the stool over in my direction, standing upon it. As soon as my feet land I'm so glad I can breath again. I take on long breath and wait for footsteps, waiting to see if anyone else will come. Finally, someone pushes through the doorway and just as I'm about to kick the stand out, my father's voice calls out to me in a whisper. "It's alright Amelia, no one else will come for you. Follow me."

I quickly untie the makeshift noose and quietly step off the stool, tip-toeing to where my father stands. He quickly leads me out into the corridor and we race down the hall. I'm not sure what he said to them, but there's not a servant in sight. Suddenly he turns and pushes hard on the brick wall, pushing until it comes loose and it becomes a door. He gives me a big hug and kiss on the forehead. "Follow the lights. There will be people waiting for you. Hurry."

I don't waste time saying anything, just start racing down this hidden, yet now illuminated path. In a way, it didn't surprise me that we had a secret network of tunnels in the castle; we'll need them for things like this. I race down stairs, take a lot of twists and turns, but eventually I arrive in a what I assume were once the dungeons- something we stopped using after my Great Grandfather, King Garret was on the throne. The room is dark and only illuminated by a few candles, but I can still see the one thing that can make me happy right now. There's a chair, a large mirror, and two women with various instruments- scissors, wrapping, and men's clothing.

I smile, letting a tear escape.

I've honestly never felt more at home than I do now. I'm leaving behind everything that ever brought a frown to my face and beginning a new life. A new life that will make me happy. I can't help but feel a surge of warmth in my thoughts. I'm not becoming Sebastian anymore. From this moment on; I am Sebastian.

And that thought has never made me feel happier in my entire, miserable life.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this update is super over due.
I plan on trying to update this as often as I can, but I am quite busy this month- but if you'd like to drop a comment and tell me to update, I won't be offended! Please don't be a silent reader! (: