Status: I'd drink to that

Who's this Guy? (Jake's Story)


Cara starred at herself in the mirror and frowned. Nothing looked good on her today, sticking with jeans and a white dressy looking shirt she slid into her tennis shoes and fluffed her hair one last time before applying another layer of lip gloss. She hasn't dressed up casual but nice at the same time in a while. Normally she'd throw clothes on, pull her hair back, and slip on her old non-slip shoes and head off to work. You didn't need make up on to work on sweets. She looked at herself again and was decided if she looked good enough, but she didn't get to think long since someone was pounding on her door.

"Coming." she said lound enough he had to hear; she checked her hair one last time before opening the door.

Jake looked her up and down. "You look nice." he said wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Nice? She didn't want to look nice, great she's already fucked up.

"Thanks?" she said unsure of what to say.

"Let's get going, I'm glad you decided to come along, the drive is pretty quiet."

"You only invited me along so you wouldn't have to be alone on the drive there and back?" she asked.

"Don't be stupid." he replied; Cara suddenly realized his left arm was in a sling. "It's so I don't forget and end up moving my arm." he added when he noticed her looking.

"Does this happen alot?" she asked.

"Me getting shot? No, first time. So you ready to go?"

"Let me grab my purse." she said hurrying over to the couch where it sat. "So why you have to see your brother?" she asked as she walked back to him.

"I visit him once a week whenever I have a day off just to help him out at the ranch or just to see him for a few since he's working alot."

"He owns a ranch? What does he raise?"

"Just horses, alot of people around this area will have him care for their horses and come out to ride them there. It was oringally our grandfather's but when he passed away he gave it to one of us and well John didn't want to leave Carter so he took it since neither one of us wanted to sell it and I really didn't want to stay in Carter."

"That's good." she said before they reached his truck. "Um where's your parents?"

"I believe they are in Egypt right now. They've been traveling all over since they retired. My parents were into businesses and didn't want anything to do with a farm, ranch, or country really. I love the country and the small town of Carter, but I enjoy the city so much more."

"I've lived in Raven all my life, my dad lives in Carter though. After my parents separated I really didn't want anything to do with him."


"He's a hoarder, that's why my mother divorced him because he cared more about having more and more things then getting rid of stuff. Eventually my mom couldn't take it anymore and said he either threw out eighty percent of everything or leave, he choose to leave over me and my mother. And going to his place makes it hard for me to breathe since there's hardly anywhere to go, it's awful."

"Is there a reason he collects things and doesn't get rid of things?"

"As a child he wasn't allowed to have anything, toys or books; a bed and clothes was all he got really. My parents still talk and care for each other, but my mom's moved on and is dating. My dad, well he doesn't ever get out of the house. He missed my graduation from college because of it."

"I think John's had a couple of calls from neighbors complaining about someone whos never cares for their yard, but that doesn't mean it's your dad's place."

"It probably is, his house is a wreck. What does your brother do?"

"He's the sherriff."

"Wow you both get to the top don't you?"

"We try out doing each other. So what made you come along? I was so sure you wouldn't come."

"I love horses, as a little girl I was obssesed with them, and since we lived in the city I wasn't allowed to have a horse, so once a week I went to the zoo with my grandpa and we went straight to the petting zoo and eventually we came enough we got in free for a few years since the petting zoo was directly where I went and then by time I was eleven my new interest was music."

"You were a goth in high school weren't you?" he asked making her laugh.

"No I was punk, there's a difference. I wore jeans and a band tee everyday. I didn't want to be goth and scare little kids, besides I couldn't dye my hair black I was too pale and I can't seem to get tan for it to look good. I bet you were a jock, you just seem like the type. Mr. Popular who had to have everyone's attention, the class clown. Am I right?"

Jake gave a funny look. "I wasn't Mr. Popular but I was the class clown, John and I were too nerdy looking to become Mr. Popular, and I could never seem to get a date so I cracked a few jokes now and then to get some attention and a lot of ass kicking. Football players hated my ass because I was constantly proving how stupid they really were."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" she said with a laugh. "When I met Devin half way through my sophmore year I was starting to come out of my muisc stage and starting to wear more girly clothes. He only started dating me because he felt sorry for me, I realized that a year later when I accused him of flirty with a cheerleader, then I started really wearing girly clothes, the stuff I saw the cheerleaders wearing. Wow, I can't believe that was ten years ago."

"I went to my ten year reuion last year, the ladies loved me. I hooked up with a woman I had liked in high school, that was a mistake."

"Why? My ten year reuion is like a year and a half away."

"Cause after a few months I learned she only had interest in me cause number one I was a cop, and number two her ex was a drug dealer and wanted to get back at him. Too bad the plan back fired and I found she was involved with half of the dealing, and I found her cheating on me with the guy. Luckily I didn't fall in love with her."

"Devin cheated on me...for two years. I was so blind and stupid. I was so in love with him, my friends told me he was cheating but I never listened until I caught him in the act."

"And now you believe all guys are the same." Jake said coldly.

Cara ignored his comment. "Have you ever been in love?"

"Yes, and I don't even know why."

"You don't know why you have ever been in love?"

"Yeah, I don't think she'd ever love me back anyways." he said before pulling into a gas station. "Need anything to drink?" he asked killing the engine.

"No, I think I'm good, I'd just have to pee later anyways."

Jake laughed and got out, she watched him walk into the gas station before she looked around and then opened his glove compartment. She found a pair of sun glasses, half a can of chew, a pack of gum, the registration for his truck, owner's manual, and a car charger. "You searching for something?"

"Oh!" she jumped and quickly shut the door and looked at him, he raised a brow. "I-I was bored." she answered. "It's just a thing I do when I am alone in a vehicle, I snoop around."

"Right, and when I am at someone's house I snoop around looking for pictures of girls or guys to see if they are in a relationship or have an ex they can't seem to let go."

"I-I wasn't looking for a picture!" Cara snapped.

"Cara I am a very good lie detector, yes you were. I've been with three girls in my past, I didn't stick around long enough to get a photo of them or keep a photo of any of them if they had given me one."

"How old are you?"

"29, I enjoy the single life. I don't put much effort into finding a girlfriend." he answered getting back onto the road.

"Then why were you so desparate for my number?"

"I wasn't desparate, but when I find something I want I work hard to get it. Example I am the Cheif at RPD, I own a 2012 truck, you're sitting next to me. Sure you're not my girlfriend, but you're a girl, and my friend...girlfriend."

"Why do you want me to be your girlfriend anyways? You hardly knew me."

"No, but I wanted to know you."

"Even after we had sex you still wanted to get to know me, why?"

"Because I like you, and there's always a chance you'll believe not every guy is the same and agree to be with me, or at least have sex with me again."

"I-well I'd never agree to be with you, but maybe have sex with you again. Maybe."

"So you agree that we should be fuck buddies then?"

"Wh-fuck buddies? I didn't agree with anything! And fuck buddies seems-"

"Like a great idea, you're not looking to date anyone and the sex was great so why not?"

"I've never done anything like that."

"Neither have I, but doesn't hurt to try it out."

"Let's just get through today together and we'll see." Cara said as they entered the small city of Carter, population: 347. Jake pulled up in front of the Sherriff's department which was two minutes into the town. He killed the engine and got out, Cara followed and walked behind him as he walked into the building.

"Hello Jake!" a woman said happily as she sat behind a desk near the entrance of the department.

"Holly, how are you?"

"Just fine! Who's this pretty lady?" the older woman asked seeing Cara.

"This is Cara, Cara this is Holly."

"Hi." Cara said giving a smile; Holly smiled back.

"You know where to find John." Holly said before answering the phone that started ringing. "Carter Sherriff Department."

"Come on." Jake said walking down a hall and walking towards a door at the end of a hall that had Sherriff Baker on a plate to the side of the door. Jake knocked twice before opening the door and walking in. Cara gasped at the guy who sat behind the desk. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention John's my twin brother."