Status: Trying To Update Weekly. x]

Refused and Abandoned

Such A Selfless Girl

I smiled at Brent, laughing as we raced through the grassy meadow. A faint call tore my attention away from my brother and I felt my smile grow even bigger as I saw Kate and Keaton running towards us. However, my expression quickly soured as I saw their panicked faces, obviously scared.

"Alex. you need to leave. It's not safe for you here."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, looking behind them.

"Run. You need to run!" Keaton yelled, turning me so that I faced the woods and shoved me. I quickly whirled on them, but froze, watching as a ash gray wolf jumped Keaton, his teeth tearing through his throat. A scream escaped my mouth as the wolf soon leaped onto Brent, killing him before turning to Kate. Tears streamed down my face as i tried to move. But only then did I notice two faceless people holding me back, preventing me from helping my family.

"Brent! Kate! Keaton!" I sobbed, watching as the wolf tore at their limp bodies. It suddenly turned on me, blood dripping from it's jaw and fur. But I couldn't focus on that. I was captivated by the wolf's eyes, a deep, ruby red colored, almost glowing against the wolf's dark fur. I was suddenly shov edforward, towards the wolf. I screamed, watching as the wolf's jaw opened, it's teeth ready to take a bite out of my face.

I woke up with a start, shivers running down my spine as I jerked my head around, looking for the wolf with ruby eyes. I slowly relaxed, rubbing my face. "It was just a dream," i muttered to myself, though that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach didn't disappear. If anything, it just worsened. Groaning, I got up and took a look at my surroundings.

My wolf was smart enough to find a cave before retreating, allowing me some protection from the snow. However, I could still feel the bite of the frigid air against my blue skin and I knew I had to find a way home soon before I suffered from hypothermia or something. I sighed before I transformed back into my wolf form, although this time,I didn't let my wolf take control. I shook myself a bit before I began making my way back home, my nose lowered to the ground as I tried to sniff out my old trail.

'Alex, is that you?'

I sighed, hearing Sean's panicked voice in my head. Even if I wasn't an officaial part of the pack yet, alpha's and beta's can communicate with any wolf. This helps them to see whether a rogue wolf has any ill intentions without having to transform and it also allows them to detect any wolf lin their area. However, the connection between a alpha or beta and a wolf not pledged to their pack is very weak. This means that each wolf can only hear the thoughts that the other wolf wants them to hear. IF the wolf pledged alliance to that alpha or beta, then the alpha or beta can hear any thought and vice versa.

'Yes. What happened?'

'What happened? You disappeared right after you got home! No one could find you and we got worried the Ruby Pack got a hold of you.'

I sighed, pausing to take a look at my surroundings before I continued on, frustration building up as my scent got weaker and weaker. 'I'm fine. I just let my wolf out for a bit and now I'm on my way home.'

'Where are you?'

'...I don't know," i said, hearing Sean sigh and grumble.

'Don't move. I'll find you and lead you back, 'kay? Any significant landmarks or anything nearby?'

'Well, I slept in a cave last night and now I'm by this gigantic maple tree.'

"Okay. I know where you are. Stay there." With that, he cut the link between us and I sighed, I plopped down under the tree, shivering a bit every now and then.

About 15 minutes later, a white and grey wolf appeared in front of me, head bowed slightly as it nuzzled my face. My wolf hummed, allowing the other wolf to come close. It frowned before walking over me, lying down so that his body now covered mine.

'Jeez Alex, your freezing,' I heard Sean mutter. I mentally shrugged, not really in the mood to talk.

'What are you thinking about?' I heard him ask as we laid their in the snow.

'How much my life sucks,' I told him. 'I want my family back. I want the Ruby pack eliminated. I want a mate who'll actually accept me. I just...' i trailed off, going back into thoughts before I shook my head. 'Sorry, I must sound pretty selfish.'

'Your one of the most selfless person I know,' Sean said, nuzzling his face into my coat. 'If anything, you deserve a bit of selfishness, especially now.'

I nodded, not saying anything after that. Sean sighed before he stood up, nudging me to stand up as well. 'Come on, let's head back. You need take a hot bath after spending the night out here. Your lucky your wolf found you a decent place to sleep.'

'Yeah,' I thought, following absently behind the Beta.
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I'm so sorry this chapter's so short. :( But I wanted to add this chapter. I thought this chapter was pretty adorable. :) Besides, this chapter's a good transition for the last chapter and the next. :)