Status: Trying To Update Weekly. x]

Refused and Abandoned

The Perfect End to a Disastrous Night

I sighed, shivering as the ocean lapped at my feet once more before receding back. After I ran from Jet, I had continued running down the beach until the light from the campfire was long gone and my legs were screaming for a break. Now, I only laid in the sand, looking up at the stars as my anger faded away, leaving me with confusion and frustration at myself.

"Aamnex!" I heard someone say before Payton popped into my view, tumbling on my body. I laughed, sitting up as I held him in my lap.

"Hey there. How'd you find me?" I cooed, smiling at Sean as he took a seat next to me.

"With my help of course," he said, smiling as I gave him Payton and watched as Sean shifted the small boy around until he was lying on his legs, Payton's eyes already starting to close shut.

"I didn't know he could walk."

"Yeah. He was able to stand for a while, granted he was holding something. But he started walking around yesterday and now he seems to just want to go everywhere."

I smiled before I laid back down, Sean following suit. "So what happened between you and Jet?" he asked. I sighed, fiddling with my fingers as I looked at the sky, staying silent. I jumped as a warm hand wrapped itself around my hands, stopping my movements before taking one hand and holding it.

"Bad habit," Sean said in a sad attempt of an explanation. I gave him a small smile, gripping his hand a bit tighter before I sighed.

"He, er, apologized for everything...which I guess is a good thing. But then he wanted to go on a date with him because he's jealous of how much I'm spending time with ... other guy wolves." He frowned, but didn't make a sound, so I continued on. "Now that I'm not mad at him, I feel... more confused than ever. I mean, my wolf already wants him to be our mate, but I don't feel the same. He's hurt me and I don't even know him. All I know is his name and that he's supposed to be an alpha." I let out a harsh laugh as I scrunched my nose up. "This may sound stupid, but I always dreamed that when I found my mate, we'd spend some time getting to know each other, going on dates and everything before we settled down. But I guess that'll never happen, right? I mean, for one, my mate rejected me and for another, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who'd serenade a girl who's already supposed to be his."

I took a deep breath, calming myself after my rant before I turned to Sean. "Sorry. I'm being really bitchy about nothing, i suppose."

"It's okay," he said, but that was all he said and we stayed there, lying under the stars. It was silent for what seems like hours before he got up, carrying Payton in his arms. "We'd better head back." I nodded, getting up and dusting myself off before we started the long trek back to the campfire.

"How was your first pack party?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his eyes. I rolled my eyes, although a small laugh found it's way out of my mouth.

"It was interesting. Not bad or good, really. Just ... interesting."

He grinned, shifting Payton over so that he could carry the boy in one arm while he slung his other arm over my shoulders.

"I guess that's good. The next one will definitely be loads better."

I grinned. "Looking forward to it."

He smiled before a wave of sadness dimmed the happiness on his face. "Are you ready for Monday?"

I sighed, biting my lip in thought. Monday was the day of the funeral. The day I'll get accepted into the Snow Pack. The day my life will be totally new. "I ... I'm not sure. A part of me seems ready, as though I was waiting for this day forever, but another part of me doesn't want it.'s like I don't want anything to change, you know? Sometimes, I want to just go back in time when I was living with my old pack and I didn't have to worry about anything to do with Mates or anything. You know, just being a kid again."

His arm tightened it's hold on me before bringing me closer to him. "Everything'll be okay. You have tons of people who care about you and are always here to listen to you."

I smiled, reaching up to grip his hand that hung over my shoulder. "Thanks."

"There you guys are!" Elle shouted as she rushed up to me. "Where were you? I thought you were kidnapped or something."

"Sorry. I took a walk and got lost," I said, resisting the urge to jab my elbow into Sean's stomach when I heard him chuckle under his breath.

"It's fine. Just make sure someone knows next time. Oh, Jet wanted me to give you this," she said, giving me a piece of paper folded in half.

I frowned, but took the paper anyway. "Where did he go?"

"He and a few others had to leave to patrol the area. Someone caught a scent of a something and they want to double check to make sure it wasn't a dangerous rogue or something. But anyways, we're leaving in a few, so I'll meet you at the car in a few minutes, okay?"

I nodded, sliding out of Sean's arms as Elle left. "Thanks again for listening," I said, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

"Bye Sean."

"Bye Alex."