That girl.


They finally stopped at a nearby restaurant to grab a something to eat, although they both knew they would be too busy talking to even bother eating. Being the gentleman that he is, Jimmy pulled out Jess's seat for her, causing her to smile. He sat down across the table form her, and stared lovingly into her eyes.

"Baby, I love you,"
"I love you too, I can't believe you finally came babe," she replied.
"I know, I finally got everything I needed taken care of and got free time to come,"
"You're so amazing baby."
"You know, now that we're finally together, we can finally do everything we talked about," Jimmy said, because he knew what she would say.
"I look forward to doing every single one of them." this huge smile spread across her gorgeous face.
"You know I do too babe, I want to hold you and never let go. I want to be there for you no matter what. I just want to be here for you to love," he replied.
"Awww baby. I love you so much." that smile turning into a cheesy grin.
"I love you too baby. Anyway, would you like something to drink sweetie?"
"Sure baby, you choose," she replied.
"Okay hun, I'll be right back then." he got up from his seat, and even though he was only leaving for a few minutes, he knew he was going to miss her like crazy.

Jess couldn't help but watch him walk away. The way he walk, that strut he had, it was exactly the way she had pictured it in her head. She couldn't believe how nice he was, she knew he was a sweetheart but this was amazing. The way he went out of his way to make her happy, to ask what she thought rather than what he wanted her to think. He was everything she had ever wanted in a boyfriend, and so much more. Then she curiously wondered if he had brought his "Jess tiger", his stuffed tiger he held at night because she couldn't be there. She didn't know why it mattered, but she just thought it was downright adorable.

Jimmy began making his way back, and he noticed Jess staring at him. He didn't know why, or if she was actually looking at him or just his general direction. Whatever it was, it made him happy. That smile she had seemed to brighten up the room. The way she looked at him made him feel special, even though he had never considered himself as such. Of course, she made him feel like that. She went out of her way to tell him how special he was. It's the simple things that made him love her.

"Here you go baby." he say down at the table, handing her the drink.
So baby, how are you doing?" she asked...

They talked for the rest of the day, until closing. The manager of the restaurant had a soft spot, and actually let them talk for a while after closing. The perfect way to end their day.