That girl.


Jimmy started walking, looking for a place to crash for a couple hours. He literally just left her not ten minutes ago, but missed her like crazy already. Those eyes were still on his mind, the look she had and the passion that shown in her eyes was the most beautiful thing he had ever saw. He loved her now even more than he ever had before.

He was walking for a while when he realized he shouldn't walk too far, the more he walked the longer he would have to walk back. That means less time with his baby. He saw a cheap motel a few blocks away, he figured that was perfect. He could wash up, relax, and get his thoughts gathered before seeing her. He made his way to the front desk, where a rather shady looking manager sat.

"Umm, do you have any rooms?" Jimmy asked nervously.
"Who's asking?" the manager replied rather rudely.
"Me, just tell me if I can rent a room or not," he replied.
"Yes, kinda young ain't cha?"
"Yeah, I guess. I'm here for.. for somebody." Jimmy said, cracking a slight smile.
"Aww, how silly. Anyways, that's $50,"

Jimmy handed him the money and took his key. He got out of that front office as fast as possible. He found his room and opened the door, it wasn't the cleanest, but he knew he would be there long. Immediately he stripped down and headed for the shower. He turned on the water and stepped in. He let the warm water run down his body, letting it cover him completely. The warm water felt warm, as he hadn't got a chance to shower since he started his trip.

He toweled himself off and made his way to the living room. He threw the towel on the ground and just put on his boxers, he didn't care about getting dressed, he was only going to relax for a couple minutes anyway. He placed his arms behind his head, and shut his eyes. The first thing he saw was her gorgeous face. He got a huge smile on his face.

After laying lying there for a while, he figured it was time to go. He got up and put on his most comfortable clothes he could find, he didn't bring anything other than a few shirts and pairs of pants. He left the rest of his clothes there, he wasn't sure if he'd be back or not but either way he could always buy more. He shut the door, and headed towards her house.

Jess wasn't paying much attention, she was thinking about her baby. His face, his eyes, everything about him was perfect. Suddenly she was awoke from her day dream my a rock hitting her window. She knew who it was, and rushed to her window.