Status: Aaaaaarrrrggghhh Imma pirate. Commenting helps me get to updating

Silence Amongst the Screams


I was done, I had enough of my dad, school; life in general tonight was the night, Halloween, I had it all planned out. I wrote a letter to my dad even though he'll be glad to be rid of me. I left the note on the counter for them I grabbed the rope and headed to my favourite oak tree at the park. I knew no one would be there. Everyone was at home getting ready for trick-or-treating. I inhaled the night air and swiftly climbed the tree, like I had done a thousand times before. I reached a nice thick branch and I tied the noose. I thought 'They'll think I'm a decoration, good' I placed my neck in the noose, looked at the ground and...
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oh yea cliffhanger