Status: Aaaaaarrrrggghhh Imma pirate. Commenting helps me get to updating

Silence Amongst the Screams

Chapter 13

Ethan's laughter subsided. Tension still hung in the air between us, as we walked hand in hand. My eyes were glued to my converse. Suddenly Ethan's grip tightened around my hand, causing me to look up. Red and blue flashing light blinked through the trees. A dark figure approached
my body froze but Ethan grabbed me and we made a run for it; Flanking left through the mossy trees. The moisture thick in the air. I glanced in the direction we were sprinting, we rapidly approached a small cabin. Oh great...
♠ ♠ ♠
ohhh yeah somethings gonna happen
thanks to fun_ghoul777 for commenting and you silent readers thank fun_ghoul777 for this update. COMMENT OR DIE!!!!!