Status: Aaaaaarrrrggghhh Imma pirate. Commenting helps me get to updating

Silence Amongst the Screams

Chapter 30

So we have everything set; the water balloons, the cookie dough, the elastic bands. We're ready. "Oh boys" Nat called
"What?" The boys called back
"Come here" It was me that time. We shut all the lights off, they walked down the dark hallway.
"I'm scared" Ethan whispered
"Good" I said in his ear. He screamed. After another suspenseful moment we impaled them with water balloons. We jump out (like ninjas) and flick their soaked bodies with elastic bands. "Ow"
"Stop it"
We did, running to the kitchen...
♠ ♠ ♠
hiii hope you likes.

i love you guys keep readin, keep commenting and i'll keep updatin

'til we meet again
*disappears into the shadows*