Precious Love


Walking into the arena, Sutton headed to the locker room while holding Rhys on her hip. Smiling at the security guard, she saw Marc Andre Fleury and his girlfriend talking outside of the locker room. “Fleury!”

Smiling at her nephew, she continued to head to the locker room. Stopping for a second, she smiled at the couple. “Everyone decent in there?” she asked.

“Max is naked.” Flower said.

“Max is always naked.” Sutton laughed as she walked into the locker room and headed to her brother.

“Sutton!” Vero said getting her attention before she walked into the locker room. “I heard you were expecting.”

Adjusting Rhys on her hip, she gave Vero a small smile. “Yeah. Sid and I are going to have a baby. Bianca is moving in with Jordan and then I'm moving back in with my brother.”

“Are you sure that you want to move in with him?” Flower asked. “Didn't you move out to get rid of him?”

Laughing, Sutton shook her head. “I moved out so that I could live on my own and make my own decisions. Apparently I make bad ones. But money will be tight so Craig is helping me financially as soon as the lease on the apartment is up.”

“How would you like to have a girls day?” Vero asked. “We need to catch up on a lot.”

“I'd like that,” Sutton said. “I'll see you later?”

Nodding her head she walked into the locker room and headed straight to where her brother was sitting in his stall. His head was in his hands while he was dressed in his under armor and socks. Placing her nephew on his feet he walked right over to his dad. When Craig looked up, he smiled as he lifted Rhys onto his lap.

“Hey buddy. You having fun with Aunt Sutton?”

“I stays with Sut tonights.”

“What if Daddy wants to see you tonight?” Craig asked his son. “What if Aunt Sutton wanted to do something tonight?”

“Well I guess I should tell you I have these grand plans tonight,” Sutton smiled. “I'm watching a hockey game with my nephew and then going to dinner and back to my apartment with my nephew. We are having some alone time with Aunt Sutton tonight.”

“And what is Daddy supposed to do tonight?” Craig asked running a hand through his son's curly hair.

“Daddy makes Mommy feels betters.”

“You have to behave if your aunt is taking you back to her place.”

“He always does,” Sutton said. “Anne said that you have his jersey. That you took it by accident. Rhys was having a fit because he couldn't find it and he has to wear yours.”

Leaning backwards, Craig grabbed the jersey that his son would wear more often than not to games. “Are you sitting in the crowd or in a box?”

“Box seats,” Sutton said. “Can you watch him for a bit? I need to find a bathroom.”

“Yeah,” Craig smiled. “Just don't forget to come back.”

Rolling her eyes, she left the locker room and headed down the hallway where she knew there was a bathroom. Thankfully there wasn't a line like the bathrooms for the fans inside the arena. As soon as she was about to leave the bathroom she was hit with the sudden feeling that she was going to be sick and she was. After she was sure that she wasn't going to get sick again, Sutton rinsed her mouth out the best that she could and then washed her hands before leaving the bathroom.

Heading back to the locker room, she knew that the guys would be heading to the ice soon so she had to get Rhys and head to the box. Walking into the room she saw Rhys sitting with Sidney. Walking over to them, she noticed Rhys had his jersey on already and smiled at him. “Hey, buddy, you ready to go sit down and watch these boys play?”

Nodding his head he reached up asking his aunt to hold him and she did.

“Are you okay?”

Looking up in surprise, she saw the concern in Sidney's voice.

“Do I look that bad right now?”

“You looked better when you were in here earlier talking to your brother.”

“At least you are being honest,” Sutton laughed to herself. “I guess the baby was reminding me that it can still make me sick whenever it wants.”

“But you're okay?” Sidney asked.

“I'll be fine,” Sutton gave him a half smile. “Good luck tonight Sid.”

“Thanks Sutton,” he said giving her a smile. “Can you come down afterwards? Please?”

Nodding her head, she agreed. “I should get up to the box. I'll see you later Sidney.”

With Rhys on her hip and her bag over her shoulder, Sutton gave him another small smile before waving at Craig as she headed to the box where she knew Vero and some of the other wives and girlfriends of the Pittsburgh Penguins were.

The game between the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Washington Capitals was intense and the score was very close. Sidney had scored twice and Craig had two assists. The end score of the game was 6-4 in favor of the Penguins.

Walking down after the game, Vero and Sutton walked side by side with Rhys walking and holding onto his aunt's hand.

“Are you coming out tonight?” Vero asked. “To celebrate?”

“Not tonight,” Sutton said. “I have some other plans tonight.”

“Are you only saying that because you can't drink?” Vero asked. “Because if that's so, I won't drink either.”

“It isn't that. I'm actually taking Rhys for the night. He's spending the night at my place while Bianca is over at Jordan's.”

“So you and Sid aren't going to see each other tonight?”

“Vero...he isn't my boyfriend and the only thing we have in common right now is the fact that we are having a baby together. I mean before this he probably didn't even know who I was.”

“Oh please,” Vero laughed. “Sidney was so jealous when he thought you were sleeping with Jordan until he found out that he was actually with Bianca.”

“That's hard to believe.”

“He's shy, you know this,” she said as they walked into the locker room. “Give it time, you two will fall in love. I know it.”

“Believe what you want, but we know that won't happen,” Sutton said. “So next week? Lunch and shopping after my class?”

“I'll drive.”

“Deal,” Sutton agreed before heading over to her brother's stall. “Go get daddy!”

Watching Rhys run over to Craig she smiled and was about to follow his path when someone put their hand on her shoulder. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Matt Cooke freshly showered and dressed. “I need to talk to you.”

Locking eyes with her brother, she held up a finger to let him know that she would be over there in a minute after she talked to Matt. Following him over to the wall, Sutton noticed that Pascal Dupuis was over there as well.

“It almost feels as if I'm in trouble,” Sutton said. “Especially when I was growing up.”

“Always the troublemaker, huh Sutton?” Pascal grinned at her.

“So we all found out about your and Sid's situation.” Matt told her.

“About how I'm pregnant with his baby? And that I'm going to school and my car is officially dead now?”

“We knew you wouldn't give up going to school just because of this,” Pascal said. “But we didn't know about the car.”

“Yeah it just happened last week,” Sutton said running a hand through her hair. “I've been borrowing Craig's car and Anne's. I even had to quit my job.”

“The part time job?” Matt asked.

Sutton nodded her head. “It was just getting too stressful with school, work, the baby and now also moving in a few months.”


“Craig didn't tell you?”

“No, he hasn't said anything.”

Taking a deep sigh, Sutton looked at them. “I'm moving back into Craig's house. Well at the moment that is the plan. I haven't really set anything in stone. Bianca and Jordan want their own place and I understand that. Our lease is up in a few months and so we just decided that as fun as it was rooming together, we are in different stages of our lives and the apartment will be free of us.”

“So why are you moving in with Craig?” Pascal asked. “Why not Sidney?”

“Sidney lives with Mario. If I move in there I feel like it would be awkward. I've met the man once and no one else in his family.”

“This isn't what we wanted to talk to you about.” Matt told her.

“How did I figure that out?” Sutton asked.

“You and the kid,” Matt said finally getting to the topic. “How'd it happen?”

“We were drunk and didn't use protection.”

“Did he take advantage of you?”

“What?” Sutton asked surprised. “No! Definitely not! This was an accident, but I'm dealing and he's figuring it out.”

“He has no idea what he's doing.” Pascal commented.

“That's why he has you guys to help him,” Sutton said. “I'm not always the best person to ask. Being pregnant has me a little bitchier than normal.”

“A little?” Matt asked, grinning.

Glancing at Sidney who was being interviewed, she turned back to the two older men. “You guys have been there a lot for me and I appreciate it. It means the world to me, but you need to help him too. This is something neither of us know what exactly we are doing.”

“Can you still watch Jackson this weekend?”

Laughing, Sutton nodded her head as Matt gave her a grin and brought her in for a hug. After he released her, Pascal gave her one as well.

“Thanks for caring,” Sutton said. “It feels good to know that no matter what I have people to turn to.”

Before heading over to where Craig was standing and holding his son, waiting on her, she gave Sidney a smile before collecting her nephew. “Everything okay with you three?” Craig asked.

“Yeah,” Sutton nodded her head. “They were just being protective, that's all.”

“Okay,” Craig said dropping the topic. “Do you have everything you need for him tonight?”

“Yeah,” Sutton said. “Everything is in Sid's car.”

“Sid's car?”

“Mine is dead. Nothing to do for it besides give it to the junk yard,” Sutton admitted. “So when you had Sid pick me up, we got into a bit of a fight and then he made me use his car since I let it slip that I was taking Rhys to the game.”

“That's Sid for you.”

“It made me mad that he did that though.”

“He just wants to make sure that you are safe and Rhys as well. Plus you are not replaceable and neither is that baby.”

“I guess I'm not used to anyone besides you and Anne looking out for me in that way.”

“He isn't gonna go away,” Craig said. “Are you going straight to your place? Will you let me know when you get there?”

“I'm gonna take him to get food and then to my place. And I'll think about texting you when I get home.”

“Love you, Sutton.”

Giving his son and then sister a kiss on the cheek, he left the locker room. Remembering that she still had to give Sidney a ride back home she looked in his direction and found that he was dressed and walking towards her.

“Hey Sidney. Good game.”

“Thanks,” he said with a smile. “Are you heading back to Craig's tonight?”

“No,” Sutton said. “Rhys is staying at my place tonight. We are gonna get some food and I'll find a movie on Netflix and we'll be asleep before the end credits roll.”

“Sounds like you have the night planned out.”

“His part, yes,” Sutton said. “Mine will depend on how I feel.”

“Would you be up to some extra company?”

“Sure,” Sutton said. “I just hope you don't mind Disney movies.”

With a laugh, Sidney placed his hand on the small of her back and the two of them left the locker room and headed to where she parked his car when she came earlier.
♠ ♠ ♠
Almost 3:30am and I'm posting because I was on a roll with this one. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think!!