Status: I'll update after the first comment.

Katherinne's Anonymous Violet


I scowled and snapped my phone shut in frustration. Violet was supposed to meet me here twenty minutes ago! A warm breeze blew my long black hair into my large grey eyes. I pushed it back angrily before storming off. I was done waiting.
I shoved the little cell phone into my pocket, unconcerned about me friend. Violet had a tendency to get distracted and forget things or simply find something else she wants to do and lose track of time. She would call when she wanted. I should have known better than to leave her alone. We should have taken someone along with us. We were bad news together. I’m an impatient, violent, procrastinator and Violet is an impulsive, chipper girl that should have been diagnosed with a severe case of ADD.
My eyes scanned the city streets, not finding them nearly as fascinating as Violet had. She was the reason we were there. Violet loved the city lights, loved the people and the noise, loved her city boys. I didn’t like it very much. I preferred my peace and quiet. I loved my country boys, loved watching the cowboys work, loved the animals and open spaces. It’s always the more the merrier with Violet. But, much like her, I always needed something to do, some form of action and exercise. Violet’s release was people, mine was running wild and free.
My temper faded as I headed towards our hotel. The city during the night was just as crazy as it was during the day. I hated it. As I navigated my way through the people, a great deal of them stumbling drunks, I searched for that familiar blonde head. A half hour later, standing in front of the hotel, there was still no signs of Violet.
I sighed, glancing around uncomfortably. With a grimace, I turned and walked through the huge glass doors. I walked across the busy lobby, heading towards the stairs. I fished Violet and my room key out of my bag as I started up them. No one was using them, the reason I preferred them. No people, no chaos.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Violet was in our room sprawled out across a bed, sleeping. She did that a lot back home. She would spend the entire day out partying and come home half dead. Violet would walk right past Yolanda and I without even acknowledging our existence. You wouldn’t hear anything from her until bright and early the next morning.
Yolanda was Violet and my “mom”. Violet and I are both orphans. We’ve been through the system together for as long as we can remember. We were sent from foster family to foster family always together. Yolanda adopted us when we were both ten. She said she couldn’t stand to see such perfect little angels without a family. Funny how she referred to us as devils when she often calls me, “Katherinne the Devil.”
I pushed open the doors to the tenth floor, smiling at my mental image of Yolanda yelling at me for losing Violet after only three days. I could picture perfectly her salt and pepper hair her gentle laugh lined face as she waved her hands in the air. She’d call me irresponsible and untrustworthy. It always amused me that I was considered to be the irresponsible one. Expecting Violet to be responsible was like expecting it snow while standing in the scorching sun of the Sahara, so someone had to make up for it. I was that lucky person.
The smile was wiped of my face I walked through those doors. A man with black hair leaned against the wall next to the doors, his arms crossed over his chest. He stared at me through chocolate brown eyes, almost glaring. Anger boiled to the surface as I walked past him and he continued to stare. I wanted to turn around and ask him what he was staring at, but I knew this wasn’t the place to pick a fight so I bit my tongue and kept walking.
I came to a stop outside our door, worry washing through me like a tidal wave. The door was open a crack. I tucked the key into my bag, frowning. I knew Violet wasn’t that stupid. She had her blonde moments, but she wasn’t stupid enough to leave that door open. The claw marks and the blood that accompanied them on the fancy doorframe told me this wasn’t an act of carelessness.
I stepped forward and pushed the door open wide. Glass glittered on the floor like diamonds, the walls newly painted a crimson color. A bullet lay in the middle of the carpet that was also turned red. A hand beckoned to me lifelessly from the broken bed, and the eyes of the head in the bathroom doorway stared at me with horror. A body, the source of the red that coated everything, lay sprawled across the floor. But, there were no signs of Violet, only the dead man.
It took me a couple of seconds to take this in before I stumbled backwards. The smell of the man’s blood as well as Violet’s wafted into my face. Fear choked me, making it impossible to scream. I looked around for help, for other people. My eyes fell on the dark haired man that had been standing next to the doors. I watched him warily as he slowly came down the hall towards me, the sound of his boots muffled by the carpet. He slowed down next to a tree in the hall, reaching towards it. My eyes then fell on the outline of four guns tucked into the waistband of his jeans. I didn’t wait to see what he was reaching for, I just ran, and I was a good thing too, because a couple seconds later as I darted around a corner I heard the rapid fire of a gun and the wall next to me was ripped to pieces. I stumbled as bits of drywall hit my face, but kept running. I sprinted towards the other staircase, hearing the screams of people as bullets blew up various objects and walls. I burst through the doors and flew down the stairs. I tripped, tumbling down a flight. When I came to a stop I looked up at the sound of the man’s boots clattering on the steps. He looked down at me holding what looked like a machine gun in his hands. My stomach flip-flopped at the sight of it. ‘Oh my god, I’m going to die,’ I thought, rolling out of the way as he aimed at me.
A bullet grazed my cheek, blowing the stone wall next to my head apart, the sound temporarily deafening my left ear. I leaped up and continued down the stairs. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me! This was something that only happened in the movies. My eyes fell upon dark red hair, almost black in color, at the bottom of the stairs. The girl looked up at me through extremely pale blue eyes, a strange smile on her red lips. I felt a flicker of hope bubble up at the sight of her, but it quickly disappeared as she drew her hand back, clutching a black blade. I flinched back, nearly getting hit by her blade, but i did get shot in the leg. Crying out in pain, I flung myself through the doors to the second floor. I weaved my way through the halls right towards a window. I didn't hesitate or think twice--I launched myself out into the night.
I hit the ground hard, hissing in pain. That didn't stop me though. I ran blindly through the streets. I don't know how long i ran, or how far i went. I collapsed in the middle of an alley, desperately trying to catch my breath. All in one night I had lost Violet for real, found a dead body, and got shot. It doesn't sound like a lot, but believe me it is.
After a couple of minutes laying there, I slowly came back to my senses. I sat up and looked around me. I had lost my bag, but still had my cellphone. I pushed myself up and leaned against the wall, my legs throbbing especially the right one that had been shot. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and gazed down at the screen. An hour had passed since I had stepped through those hotel doors.
"I'd get rid of that as soon as possible if I were you," A deep voice told me.
I dropped the phone, my hands coming up as fists. The guy didn't come near me. I looked him over, trying to see as much as possible in the dark. He was a good six inches taller than me. His hair was light, either blonde or a light brown. He had a similar build to the man with the guns. I couldn't pick out any other details. He was hidden too well in shadows.
"Who are you?" I snapped, not relaxing.
"I'm Anonymous," I scowled at him, disbelieving. Did he think i was a fool? "Unless you want to end up like your friend VIolet, I suggest getting out of here."
My hands fell to my sides and my jaw grew slack in surprise. "What do you know about Violet?" I demanded.
"I know you'll end up in the exact same position as her if you don't get rid of that," Anonymous stated softly, like it was common knowledge.
"What if I don't?" I challenged, scooping up the phone. "What are you going to do?" I stood a couple of feet back. I could smell him, a sharp clean smell.
He came towards me, yanking the phone out of my hand before I could react. He snapped it in half and tossed the pieces aside.
I struck out at him but he swatted my hand away with ease. I glared at him and snapped, "What was that for?"
"They can track you through that, Katherinne. Just like they did with Violet. Now follow and I will explain." He turned and started walking away.
I stared at the back of this stranger that somehow knew me. I hod no idea how this had happened. I was just your average girl on vacation with her best friend, or sister, whatever you wanted to call us. And now my entire world was dumped upside down.
Out of choices, I followed the stranger.
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Lots more to come!!! XD