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I groaned, feeling my body scream in protest as I shifted on the bed.

Wait, what? Bed?!?

Snapping my eyes open, I sat up with a gasp and looked around my unfamiliar surroundings. In the minimal light that was coming from the bedside lamp, I saw that the room was decorated in reds and blacks. The drapes that covered the window were red with hints of black. The furniture were a dark red oak. Looking down at the sheets before me, I saw that it was a both red and black comforter. Shifting out of the bed, I realized that I was in nothing but my bras and panties. I was just walking around the strange room, wondering if I can find something to wear when I heard the door open. Spinning around, I was eye to eye with a pair of hazel green tint eyes. Looking at the person, I saw that her hair was blond and brown.

"Michelle?" I whispered as she came into the room.

Michelle looked at me with a smile as she walked into the room. Backing up a bit, I saw sadness flow through her eyes.

"Hi, Blue. How are you feeling?" she asked as she stood ten feet from me.

"Sore. But, why? What happened to me?" I asked her, walking forward a bit.

Michelle looked at me for a moment before saying," You were hit by a car. The driver was no where to be seen but he, or she, did real damage to you."

"Damage? How much damage? I don't feel or see anything out of the ordinary," I said to her with confusion.

Michelle smiled at me once again before walking forward until she was standing face to face with me.

"Here," she said, handing me, as I realized, a bundle of clothing," We're about the same size. Your family will explain everything to you. Bathroom is to your right. When your done, come down to the living room."

I looked at her, confused and, I hate to admit this, scared. Nodding my head, I gave her a small smile before walking towards the bathroom. I had just opened the door and was about to step in when I heard her call my name.

"Yeah?" I said as I looked at her.

"It's great to see you again," She said with another smile before walking out of the room.

Looking at the closed door for a few moments, I shook my head before walking into the lavish bathroom. Closing and locking the door, I placed the clothing on the granet counter and walked over to the walk in shower. Opening the door, I turned the water on before stripping. Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw faint bruises and scrapes. Shaking my head, I walking into the shower, closed the door, and stood beneath the spray of water. Sighing contently, I looked around the inside of the shower and was shocked to see that my favorites scented shampoo, conditioner, and body wash were there. Looking closely, I saw that some lady razor blades were their too. Grabbing hold of the shampoo, I placed some on my hands before lathering it up into my hair.

After scrubbing my hair clean, I placed my head under the spray of water and rinsed out. Grabbing the hold of the conditioner, I placed some in my hair before getting the body wash and cloth. Washing my body, I grabbed on of the lady razor blades and began to shave my legs and under arms. Washing my body again, I got under the spray of water once again before just staying under after all the suds were washed off. After just standing there, wondering what the hell is going on, I finally shut the water off before opening the glass door. Grabbing the plush, soft red towel, I dried myself before placing it in my hair to dry. Walking out and towards the counter, I looked at the clothing the Chelle brought me. Unfolding them, I saw that she brought me some thin sweats and a red v neck wife beater. Looking at the undergarments that she brought me, I saw that they too were red. Sighing a bit, I began to dress. After I was done, I looked around to see that there was a hair brush on the counter.

Removing my towel from my hair, I ran the hair brush through my hair until all the knots were gone and it was slick straight. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the bathroom and out of the room. Walking barefoot down the hall, I reached the stairs and saw that there was talking and a bit of laughter floating up.

Walking down the stairs, I followed the voices and was standing in the foyer of the living room. Looking into the room, the scene before me looked so normal. Viljo and Marko were talking to Jimmy and Johnny, joking around. Kalle was talking to Brian and Zacky. Uncle Kalevi and Aunt Liisa were talking to Matt. Looking more closely, I saw that the girls were no where to be seen. I saw just standing there, waiting to see that if someone would see me standing there, with my arms crossed over my chest and a grim look on my face. I didn't have to wait long to see Matt looking over to where I was standing and halting what he was about to say to my aunt. Everyone else noticed his silence and turned to see where he was looking at.

Looking around the room, I saw Jimmy stand up before walking over to me. I have known Jimmy since middle school, when I moved here from Finland after the accident that claimed the life of my parents. As I watch him approach me, I couldn't help but remember that he was there when I was left for dead. Looking at him with a cold glare, I side step his hug.

Looking over at my aunt, I asked her in out tongue," Miksi olen täällä?"

"Jäit auton alle kun ryntäsit ulos," she replied.

"Mutta miksi täällä?," I seethed.

"Koska Matt oli jo ravintolassa," Kal said as he looked over at me.

I looked at them, knowing that something was wrong. That they were keeping something from me.

"Tiedän että sinulla on muuta sanottavaa. Mitä?"

I heard Aunt look at me before sighing.

"Come," she said in English," take a seat."

I looked at her for a moment before slowly walking over to the other side of the couch. Sitting as far away from Matt, I looked over at my aunt and uncle.

They were silent for a few minutes before Uncle took a deep breath.

"How much do you know about you family history?" he asked as he looked at me.

I shook my head and said,"Not much. Why do you ask?"

"What do you say that...Everything you mother and father told you was not completly the truth," Aunt said, cutting in.

"I would be shocked," was my immediate response.

Uncle and Aunt looked at each other before looking back at me.

"Sini," Aunt said, before going on,"We are not really you aunt and uncle. We are your grandparents. Viljo is your mothers brother, which makes him your uncle and Marko and and Erkki are you... Brothers."

I looked at them, shocked out of my mind.

They were not really my Aunt and Uncle? Viljo is my uncle? Marko and Erkki are my brothers?

As I looked around the room, I saw that everyone was not shocked.

"Are you shitting me?" I yelled out.

Liisa looked at Kalevi before looking back at me.

"That is not the only thing," she said.

"What?" I scoffed," Are you now going to say that I'm a fucking Demon to top it all off?"

I looked at them and waited for them to say something. When they didn't, I realized that they were looking at me, telling me with their eyes that it was no joke.

"No," I whispered as I stood from my seat," no. This can not be it."

"Sini," Kalevi said," It is the truth. You are Demon. From both sides of your family."

I looked at them, flabbergasted. This can not be happening. As I looked at them, I realized that the room began to shake.

"Sini, calm down," I heard a voice say from beside me.

Looking to my side, I saw Matt standing up and placing a hand on my shoulder. I shook it off and pushed him off. And when I pushed him off me, he flew across the room. As I stared at him, laying across the room, I was applaud at my actions and ran out of the room. Not knowing, or caring where I was going, I ran out the back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sini:Why am I here?

Liisa:You were hit by a car when you stormed out.

Sini:But why here?

Kal:Because Matt was already at the restaurant.

Sini:I can tell that you have more to say. What is it?

So? What do you think?

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And I want to run something by you all cause I have another story in mind. This is going to be a Jimmy Father Fic, but it is set after his death. He has a son that he knows about and was going to tell his brothers but he passed. The way the guys find out about Jimmy's son is because he went in when the Avenged boys were looking for a new drummer (I have nothing against Arin!). What do you think?

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