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Chapter Two

It was kind of difficult to unpack with Dunn in the house. Almost everywhere I moved I was tripping over him and Kurin playing somewhere. At least Ape was still there to help me. The house was cute and quaint. The best I could do for being a single mother. It reminded me of and old cottage, and the back yard was like the secret garden, covered in plants and a large pool off towards the corner.

I still hoped deep down inside that I could just turn around and go back to Tennessee but Ape had already made a million new plans for this week alone. Including me breaking the news to Bam. I continued to frown, Bam was getting married. Why did they want me to drop this bomb on him? From what I heard though his bride to be didn't have many fans in our group of friends, Ape thought she was snobby.

"She's always telling him what to do." She muttered as we sipped out tea on the front porch, Kurin was running in the grass with Ryan. "He's Bam Margera for Christ's sake, I'm his mother and I can barely tell him what to do."
I chuckled a little. "He's not very tamable, props to her for getting this far though. I never would have made it to engagement."
April frowned. "He doesn't love her like he loved you Mira, he has never looked at a girl like he looked at you after you left him. You had that sparkle that Bam couldn't let go of, he was a real mess after you left honey, took him almost a year to look at another girl. Poor kid kept promising himself you'd be coming home day after day."
I stared off into the setting sun, Bam was the only important thing to me besides Kurin. But walking in on him with that girl crushed me into a million pieces. There wasn't any Shakespeare shit he could have pulled out at that moment to keep me from smacking him, and I did, really hard. But sometimes I realized that we were drunken kids and maybe I shouldn't have left. Then maybe things would be much different.


I Woke up the next morning with Dunn on my couch. Kurin was tucked tightly under his arm. I smiled and climbed on top of him to snuggle. His eyes tried to flutter open but he was too tired.

"She's gonna think you're her daddy with the amount of time you two have been together." I laughed.
"I could've been." He yawned. "But you fucking moved to Hickville USA and left me here."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and gave him a puppy dog face. He kissed my temple before taking out his phone and checking it. He texted a few people back and jammed it back into his pocket.

"We're going to Square tonight, April's going to watch Kurin." He smiled deviously.
My jaw dropped. "The fuck I'm not!" I yelled at him, Kurin had now woken up in my arms and muttered 'fuck' but I shushed her and laughed a little. Dunn's eyes went wide, "Does she do that often?"

"Every time she hears one." I sighed.
"Well shit she's going to be the most potty-mouthed first grader in the world once she meets her dad.
I shushed him but got back on topic. "I'm not going to Square, I haven't been to a bar in years, like since before I had her." I pointed down at Kurin in my lap.
"Who cares! You didn't go out because you had no friends! Do you know how siked and surprised everyone will be to see you? It would be awesome." He gave me this puppy dog face that could melt the heart of Hitler. I was sold.
"I have nothing to wear Ryan, I still have some baby weight on me." I lied. I wasn't an ounce over one fifteen. He scoffed and ran up into my closet, in a matter of two minutes he ran down with a black cut dress.

"You're wearing it." He smiled.
I sighed and agreed to him, understanding there would be no winning.


I was a bit shaken up after dropping Kurin off at April's. I didn't want to leave my baby to go drink. I kept checking my make-up in the mirror, I at least wanted to look nice. My white blonde hair was tied up into a curly bun with strands of snow colored hair falling into my face. I hadn't worn heel's in what must have been five years and my feet already hurt. Dunn just kept telling me over and over again that I was beautiful though.

My knees started to shake as I stepped out of the car at Square. My head was spinning. What if Bam was in there? He would probably call me a slut for dressing like this. I would die if he ignored me in general. Dunne linked my arm with his and we walked towards the door. Once inside the music was set at not an obnoxious volume but there were people dancing everywhere. Dunn spotted Raab as soon as I did. So much familiarity washed over me as his jaw dropped and ran over.

"Holy fucking shit, Mira Smalley? Am I on punked?" He gasped picking me up into a tight hug.

At once more of them started to make there way over, Dico, Novak, Rake,and Tim. Clearing a space from the bar where they were standing. I saw the face I had once loved. As I hugged all of my old guy friends and reminisced I continued to glance over at the back of his head, he was talking to fans I assumed.

Everyone headed towards the bar. Dico and Novak both bought me drinks, and Bam still hadn't noticed my presence. I looked to Dunn on my right, "Is his girl here?" I asked over the music. He shook his head no. And before I even got the balls to walk over and say something I watched Rake whisper something into his ear, his head snapped directly in my direction. I couldn't take my eyes off of him and he looked like he thought he was having a hallucination.

I balanced on my heels and slowly walked towards him. So nervous. I had never been more nervous in my life. He was leaned against the wall when I stopped in front of him and smiled.

"You're back?" He asked into my ear over the music.
"I am." I replied back into his. He obviously didn't like the music so he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. He was drunk and stumbling.
I stood against the brick wall outside.
"Why did you leave me Mira? I missed you so much." He said slurring pulling me into a hug.

Oh boy, what had I gotten myself into?

"I'm sorry I was so stupid back then. I didn't mean to do the things I did." He said quietly.
I couldn't muster up the words to say anything back.
"I'm getting married..." He started. "I want you to come."
Now I definitely couldn't say anything. I didn't want to go to his wedding. I didn't want to see him with another girl.

It was a bad idea to come home to West Chester, such a bad fucking idea.
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