Status: Discontinued. :(

I Love You So Much, It Makes Me Sick

x x x x x x

“Kurt… Kurty, I’m home!” Elizabeth yelled, walking in the front door of their apartment.

“Hey there, gorgeous,” she heard Kurt reply from the living room. She walked in to see him sitting on the couch with his favorite guitar in his lap and a large amp set up beside him. There was a notebook open on the coffee table in front of him and he was scribbling things in it.

Soon after she walked in, he put down his pen, closed his notebook, and sat the guitar down on the floor. “So how was lunch?” he asked, hoping with all of his heart that Dave had somehow gotten through to her.

“We need to talk about something,” she said, and it was all he could do to hold back a smile. He had gotten through to her.

“Yeah, anything. Come sit down,” he said, patting the space beside him on the couch. She listened, kissing the top of his head as she passed him.

“So I know that you know that there’s been something bothering me for a while…” she began, and Kurt nodded in reply, gesturing for her to continue. “Well… I’m ready to tell you what it is,” she said, and he nodded again. “It’s kind of stupid, and I realize now that it was childish for me to have been upset about it for so long…” she trailed off, nervousness rising inside her. More than anything, she just really didn’t want him to laugh at her.

“Just tell me, Lizzie. I don’t care how stupid it is,” he said quietly, taking one of her hands in his and squeezing it tightly.

“Okay… well basically, ever since the album dropped, I’ve been kind of… afraid… of losing you. To the fame and stuff, you know. And it’s just been all I’ve been able to think about and it’s been bringing me down. It’s just… it’s stupid, isn’t it?” she asked, and Kurt shook his head firmly.

“No, Elizabeth, it’s not stupid. I wish you’d told me months ago, but it’s not stupid at all,” he said, and she felt her nervousness instantly wash away.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before,” she said, and he smiled at her.

“Lizzie, you listen to me. That’s never going to happen. Never. No matter how big the band gets or how famous I get, you’re never going to lose me in it. No matter what. I love you, and I would die before I let that happen,” he said, squeezing her hand tighter.

“I love you too,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss him.

“Will you promise me somethin’?” Kurt asked when they’d pulled apart.

“Anything,” she replied quietly.

“Promise me that you’ll at least try to stop stressing over this,” he said, and she nodded slightly.

“I promise,” she whispered, smiling at him.
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I know this is short... but I like it.
Ooh and if you like this story, then you should check out my new Kurt story, Drain You!