Status: Up and Running

Dear Diary,

June 17, 2012

Dear Diary,

Wow. Lots to talk about. It's been 8 or 9 months since I've last written here. I was a confused young soul, wasn't I. Well let me give you the short version of what happened in these past months.

1) The F.W.B with Sir continued until March, where I finally broke it off because I was a) uncomfortable with how far he was trying to go and b) I just didn't feel the same way.

2) Went through a 2 month period (April and May) where I was completely over him and I was so proud of myself.

And I told him too. I told him, bluntly, that I didn't like him anymore, and I WOULD never like him ever again. I even went as far to tell him that at one point in my life, I had been in love with him, but I wasn't anymore.

And then he kissed me.

Insert: -__________________________________________________________-

Now let me make a 2 week and 4 day long story short.

I said yes. BUT I said yes only because I'd wanted him to ask me out for an entire year. And when he finally did it, it was like I'd finally gotten what I'd wanted back then. But as soon as I realized it, I ended it as soon as I could. I wasn't going to lead him on and I wasn't going to suffer any longer.

He also didn't talk to me the entire 2 weeks and 4 days we were together. And no don't give me the "you could have talked to him first too" because I did. And the conversation lasted a grand total of 5 minutes max.

3) I've recently become closer to a friend of mine. He will be called J.

The story behind him is that he dated my best friend, Tia. A year ago. And she broke up with him. And it lasted a month. BUT he was kinda her first kiss. But she says she doesn't care about him anymore, and she has her own boyfriend now. She finally got together with her best friend :D I SO CALLED IT BUT NO ONE WOULD LISTEN TO ME, I TOLD YOU SO. And plus, he's a year younger.

Anyways, just wanted to say all that before I told you the story now before I told you what's been going on.

4) I'm so much happier now that I've finally put the whole Sir disaster behind me. I'm never looking back. Ever.

Life's good.

Now! Onto the whole J business.

For starters, we're just friends. And yeah okay we talk a lot. So what.

All of my friends seem to think we have feelings for each other and that we're going to get together eventually but that's not how it is.

And also, we're never going to get together. Why? Because he's Tia's ex boyfriend. And her first kiss. And despite what Tia says about how if I was happy, she would be happy. J has a big problem with the fact that she's my best friend and everything.

So yeah. And plus we're not each others types. And we're not compatible. And also, there's no attraction. At all.


But he's great. He really is, he's really funny and makes me feel better and I can talk to him about almost anything. He cares, he's a great listener and he makes me laugh all the time.

He's just awesome ^_^

BUT I don't like him. I really don't. And plus he's younger than me. I'm going to be a senior. He's going to be a junior.

And it's just not going to work.

But anyways, I wanted to talk about something that bothered me today.

So Tia has a boyfriend now right. And I was complaining about how I wasn't going to see her at all this summer. And she was talking about how she would be in Queens a lot. And its so she can see her boyfriend.

I guess this bothered me because last summer she didn't have a boyfriend, and we only hung out once the entire summer.

But now that she has a boyfriend, she's willing to travel all the way from Brooklyn to Queens just so she can see him.

Now I know a best friend and a boyfriend are on different levels okay. I know that. And I know that its normal for her care more about her boyfriend than about me.

But I guess it bothers me because she's making the effort to see him and she couldn't make the effort to hang out with me.

I'm not going to say anything though, it just makes me a little sad on the inside.

I wonder if the one subscriber/commenter I have will read this.

Until next time, Diary. And there will be a next time.

And oh, yeah, I'm in the middle of Regents week HOW FUN IS THAT. YEAH.

No. -___- I"m so stressed.