Status: STOP BEING SILENT READERS PLEEEASE, more will be posted asap. (:

You Smile, I Smile.


It had been two weeks since Justin started tutoring me in English. And needless to say, I was having a blast learning about English. He was intelligent. And so easy to listen to and learn from. At one point I told him that if the singing career didn’t take off (which I knew it would) he should definitely consider being a teacher.

And I even got to feel a little needed as well in our little tutoring sessions. There was more than a few times that along with his English book that he would grab from his locker after we left the auditorium every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, he’d grab his history book and ask me to help him with homework.

You’d think that I’d dread those days when I knew the only thing I was going to have to focus on was the one class I couldn’t stand more than anything in the world. But with Justin as my fill in teacher on those days, they were more enjoyable than they probably should be. He helped me understand the books we were reading in class. He helped me word my papers. He helped me with basic language arts and writing skills.

Not only that, but he wasn’t scared to be flirty with me at all, or maybe it was just my imagination running wild. When we would be going over one of my papers, his arm would rest next to mine, or his knee would rest against mine underneath the table. I’m sure it was easy as hell to tell what his smile did to me, so those times when I would look up from reading a part from a book, or writing part of a paper and I would catch him looking at me, he would flash that intensely beautiful smile, and I would blush and look away. But not before smiling on my own, and of course he would throw in a comment about how pretty my smile was. This would in turn make me blush ten times more.

When I would help him with his history worksheets or help him find information in a book for notes, it was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. He’d look like a lost puppy while I would be going through the book, showing him where to find the information, how to write out the notes in the order that the events in time happened. And when it became easier for him to find information and write out his notes, and became easier for me to write my papers and comprehend the books we were reading, we spent a little less time studying and a little more time getting to know one another.

He loved music. Hip hop and rap the most. He played the drums, the piano, and the guitar. He loved to sing, obviously. He wanted to become famous, but not for the fame, but so everyone could hear his music. He also loved to rap and beat box.

I told him how I loved music. Rock and hip hop the most. I told him how I loved take pictures and how I loved to play volleyball. I told him how the only constant friends I had were Jazz and Andrew. I told him about my love affair with skinny jeans and eyeliner. Though I left out the part about how I had the biggest and most enormous crush id ever had in the world on anyone was on him.

It was a Thursday. I had survived my last period class, English, with the help of thinking about Justin tutoring me in this class the very next day. When the bell ranged, I gathered my books and sprinted for the door. Because of the tutoring, and because of how close our lockers were, we usually always ran into each other before leaving school, and usually always walked to our buses with each other.

I nonchalantly walked up to my locker and put in the combination. I had seen the blond hair and the purple addias before I got to my locker.

After gathering my math book and history book and shoving them down inside my bag, I heard his voice from behind me telling someone good bye.

“So, Miss Emily, what do we have in store for today after school?” Justin asked me, leaning against a locker next to mine. I smiled slightly then shut my locker and looked at him. It still shocked me that this was the boy who took time out of his day to tutor me and talk to me on his own time.

“Nothing actually, other than homework. What about you Sir Justin?” I asked as I positioned my
bag more comfortably over my shoulder.

“History homework.” He said with a sad tone. “Stuff that we were just taught about today. I’m so lost. And its due tomorrow, third period.” He said, hanging his head kind of low as we walked down the hall toward the stairs.

“Awe Justin. If you want, we could meet up somewhere and I could help you out with it.” I said, laying one of my hands on his shoulder. He glanced at my hand, and then glanced at me with hopeful eyes.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to bother you with this Em. If it’s an inconvenience, we can just worry about it tomorrow.” He said, as we walked down the stairs toward the main hallway.

“No, it isn’t a problem. Look,” I said, opening my bag and pushing it toward his direction. My history book was sitting on top. “I’ve got my history book with me anyway.” I said, smiling slyly at him.

He stopped me at the bottom of the steps and embraced me in a tight hug. I hugged him back and like always took a deep breath in, smelling the sweet cologne he had on.

“Library, say around 4:30 ish?” he said, as he let go of me but left his hands on my shoulders. I thought for a moment.

“Let’s make it 5. My sister is coming over today and I want to see her for a little while.”
“It’s a date… I mean, it’s a date on what time we'll both be there…I mean, I’ll just be there at five.” He said, then quickly turned around and walked down the long hallway. I watched him as he bounded out of the big doors toward the buses waiting outside in confusion. Jazz then appeared beside me.

“Lost in lover boy’s presence?” she said nudging me. I walked next to her as we began walking toward the big doors.

“Justin just acted really weird. He needs help with his history homework tonight, and when we set a time to meet at the library, he said “it’s a date” and then started acting all weird then walked off.” I said as we approached the large doors.

“Dude, Emily. Come on now sweetie. I can’t take this whole dumb act anymore.” Jazz said as we walked out of the school and into the cool breeze and sunshine of the day. I stopped and looked at her in confusion.

“Would you like to clue me in on what it is that I’m playing dumb about?” I said, laying a hand on my hip. She laughed and threw her head back. I rolled my eyes and walked off toward our bus.

“Emily! The kid has got it bad for you, probably just as bad as you’ve got it for him! Please don’t tell me you’re blind to that?! Because no one else is.” She said as we both walked up the bus steps and took a seat together.

“No he isn’t. Why would you say that? He’s too gorgeous and talented and smart to be into me.”
“Emily. Shut your mouth. He’s into you. I know this, Andrew knows it for a fact, anyone with eyes can-“

“Wait, Andrew knows for a fact? What do you mean?” I asked as she pulled her back pack off and put it between her feet.

“Oh… yeah. I’m not supposed to say anything… but, Justin totally confided in Andrew about his intense thing he had for you.” She said nervously, not looking at me. My jaw almost hit the floor, and all I could do was sit back in my seat.

“You can’t tell Andrew that I told you!” she said next to me, grabbing one of my shoulders and shaking me. I was still just staring at the seat in front of me with my mouth gaping open. She shook me again.

“Emily! Speak! Please!” she said again. I blinked, closed my mouth and looked over at Jazz. She was staring intently.

“You better not be joking because that’s not a very funny one Jazz!” I said, my voice cracking. She giggled at me then shook her head.

“I’m not joking. Andrew told me today during lunch.” She said smiling widely at me. I smiled and obviously started blushing because she started laughing hysterically.

“Shut up Jazz!” I said, shoving her and burying my head in my hoodie. If I wasn’t already nervous enough about hanging out with Justin outside of school, I sure as hell was now.


When I got to my house, my sisters blue Honda was sitting outside our house already. I sprinted to the door and my mom and sister were both sitting in the living room.

Emily Kaye! Come here and give me a hug.” My sister, Alice, said as I dropped my bag to the floor and walked to her as she stood up. I hugged my sister tightly.

“Look at you, all smiles after school. This is an odd thing Em.” Alice said as she let go of me and sat back down on the coach. I sat next to her and glanced at our mom. She rolled her eyes, grabbed her coffee mug and got up.

“I’ll let you two talk.” She said as she walked out of the living room.

“Who is he?” my sister said when my mom was out of the room. I blushed furiously and looked away with a smile.

“Holy shit. Okay. What’s this guy’s name?” Alice said, standing up and pulling me toward the front door. I went with her willingly. We walked out the front door and everything about Justin came out in a rush.

“His name is Justin. He’s the cutest guy I’ve ever seen. He’s been tutoring me in English because I’m flunking and we’ve spent every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday together for two weeks. I’ve been helping him with history too. Well, today, he asked for me to go to the library with him to help him with his history homework that he’s having trouble with, and he acted all weird when he called it a date. Then Jazz told me that Justin told Andrew that Justin had a thing for me. I have to meet him at the library at five and I’m freaking out Alice, FREAKING OUT!!!”

Alice grabbed my shoulders.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa Emily. Calm down. Take a chill pill and take a few deep breaths. No need to freak out. Just be calm about it. What I think you should do is go make sure it’s okay with mom and dad if you go meet this kid at the library. They do know he’s been tutoring you don’t they?” Alice asked, pulling a cigarette out of her pocket and lighting it. I shook my head yes.

When I started tutoring, I had told my parents that we were just helping each other out because my best class was his worst and vice versa. My parents didnt know how severly I needed the tutoring, and now they never had to know. My teacher let me see my grade, raised from a low F to a high D, and she assured me that it would be at least a C by the time report cards came out.

“Okay then. Make sure it’s okay for you to go meet him. I’ll help you go fix your hair and make-up and I’ll drop you off. Does he need to be picked up?” Alice asked, taking a long drag off her cigarette and letting it out slowly. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I could text him and ask.” I said softly. We texted every now and then, but he was the kind of person who would rather just talk in person.

“Do that. And go ask mom and dad now.” She said, motioning me inside. I nodded and went back into the house.

“Mom?” I said walking through the living room and walking down the hallway toward the kitchen.

“Yes Emily?” she said as she came into view. She was sitting at the bar in the kitchen flipping through a magazine.

“Can I go to the library? Justin needs some help with his history homework.” I asked as sweet as I could. Dad was across the kitchen, sitting at the table, eating a sandwich.

“I don’t see why not. Honey? Is it alright with you?” mom said to my dad. He nodded and swallowed.

“It’s alright with me.” He said taking another bite from his sandwich. I smiled, thanked both of them, then bounded back down the hallway and back outside. Alice was on her phone, so I pulled mine out and texted Justin.

*Heyy, do you need a ride to the library? My sister is going to drop me off and offered to pick you up.*

I sat on the swing on our front porch while Alice continued to talk to one of her friends on her cell phone. A moment later my phone vibrated and I smiled.

*Thanks, but I live right down the road from the library. I was planning on just walking (:*

I smiled, replied with a simple, “okay see you later”, and shoved my phone in my pocket.

“So, did Jason text you back?” Alice said as she got off the phone. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“It’s Justin and yes he did. He doesn’t need a ride; he lives close to the library.”

“Mom and dad say it was okay if you went?” I nodded and she smiled, flicking the last of her cigarette into the yard.

“Let’s go get you all prettied up.” Alice said with a smile. I slightly groaned, but followed her into the house and up to the bedroom we once shared.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, sort of a cliff hanger, I know. ;p
Lemme know what you think! <3