Blue Eyes Hold a Lie


The next morning Scott McCall jolted awake. He could feel there someone in his room. He looked to his right then to his left. He backed up against the headboard as he saw a figure sitting in his desk chair. It leaned forward into the light, red eyes glowing.
“Derek, you really need to learn how to knock”, Scott flipped off his sheets and made his way over to his dresser.
He pulled on a blue long sleeve shirt. He had slept in his jeans from the day before so he thought he didn’t really need to change.
Scott stood there awkwardly, “So, you just going to sit there or do you want something to eat? We have some cereal or I can put some poptarts in the toaster.”
Derek waved a hand, “No thanks. Listen, something is here. Or somethings are here.”
“Somethings as in plural?”
Derek nodded.
“I caught their whiff last night but couldn’t figure out what they are. All I know is these things could be dangerous.”
Scott’s mouth dropped open, “Yesterday, there was this girl...”
“Not again. Stick with Allison Scott.” Derek interrupted him.
“Not like that. There was a girl that ran into Stiles yesterday. Something didn’t seem right about her. And I’ve never seen her here. Maybe she’s one of ‘Them’”, he put air quotes around them.
Derek nodded, “Keep your eyes open. And meet me at my house after school.”
Scott rubbed the back of his neck, “I have lacrosse practice after school.”
“Then after that.” And with that Derek hopped out of the window.
“YOU KNOW YOU CAN JUST USE...the door.” he sighed.
Scott got to school a bit earlier than usual. Usually he got a ride with Stiles but today he ran, hoping he could get a glimpse of the strange girl. But not for the same reason as Stiles.
As Scott jogged up he saw Stiles jeep parked in the parking lot. He went over to it and knocked on the window. Stiles jolted awake in the driver’s seat. He opened the door.
“How long have you been here?”
Stiles rubbed face, “4:30 why?”
Scott pulled him out of the car and stood him up straight.
“Come on Stiles, let’s go throw some water on you or something.”
Scott dragged Stiles through the school entrance.
“Hold up man, I have to finish my chem homework.” Stiles shrugged out of Scott’s grasp and made a beeline for his locker.
His sleepy hands fumbled with the combination lock until he finally entered in the correct numbers. He swung open his locker trying to sort through his stacks of papers and books.
Scott hurriedly caught up with his friend and leaned against the lockers looking for his girlfriend, Allison.
“Do you think....” Scott was caught mid sentence because out of no where the front doors opened and in walked three figures.
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OMG I already have this whole huge thing planned out and I just know it's going to be super mega awesome! -or I will try-
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