Get up Whenever You Fall


Me and Kyler were laughing together while walking pointlessly around town and munching on our Slurpee's. We were about to torn the corner when Kyler comes to an abrupt stop. I almost bump right into him but compose myself quickly.

"Kyler are you okay?" I ask timidly.
"Yeah Kyler are you okay?" A new voice says. I look up and see a well built guy (nothing compared to Kyler, though) glaring at Kyler. A few guys with obnoxious smirks on their faces.

"Move." Kyler says trough gritted teeth and my starts racing a bit faster at the tense situation.
"Make me." The guys crosses his arms over his chest.
"I'm not going to fight you, yet again, Rick." A light bulb flashes in my head and I start to connect things. This must be the guys Kyler, Nate and Trey fought with.

The guy laughs sarcastically and it gives me chills. "Oh, please Kyler, that barely settled anything. We just want to make you understand you need to shut your little park down and get your asses away from bikes and skateboards, or even better, out of this town." His voice is laced with so much venom I feel myself start shaking a bit but still get angry at his words. His little posse surrounded us during his little monologue.

Kyler just chuckles mockingly. "We just want you to understand you can all go fuck your-" He doesn't finish his sentence due to the fish that collided with his stomach forcefully.

I found myself scream at the sudden punch. As they start fighting, out of nowhere, Trey appears and joins the fight. The blood and the noises they make make me scream yet again. A hand covers my mouth and my screams become muffed.

I feel so awful and helpless. I try to kick the person holding me and help the guys or get them to stop. I just can't stand watching them get hurt and earn a punch after punch.

"Stop kicking or you'll end up worse then them." A deep guys' voice whispers in my ear and I feel myself stop kicking, once again feeling like a helpless nothing.

Thea suddenly appears and screams "Don't hurt him! No, please, stop it!"
She kneels down next to Travis and wraps her arms around him. The three guys that were kicking him were hesitating to hit him once she is covering him.

Travis says something to her and she starts crying even more. I see that her shield is working and then look at Kyler who is outnumbered and getting kicked constantly. "Stop hitting them!"
I ignore what the guy holding me and I swing my elbow as hard as I can backwards.

I hear him grunt and his grip loosen so I break away and run to Ky, but an arm wraps around my forearm and pull me back aggressively and twist it backwards while pulling me to the floor. I yelp at the sharp pain in my arm and my back as I hit the floor, hard.

"I told you to stay still!" He growls.
"Let her go!" I hear Kylers' angry voice.

"This your girlfriend, lover boy?" He asks teasingly while brushing my hair. I jerk at his touch.
"I. Said. Let. Her. Go."
"You can't do anything about it." He teases pointing at Kylers'' beat up body. He tries to get up, but falls to the floor. I flinch at the sight and the guy laughs.

"No, but we can." I look up and spot The Boss and the guys. The Boss is carrying a dangerous looking bat. The guy lets go of me and stands up. The group looks at each other.
"This isn't over." The first guy says, acting tough.

"No, but you'll take it on the court, not here, you hear me." The Boss says with his authoritative voice. The group glares and walks away.

I crawl to Kyler. "You okay?" I ask with tears in my eyes.
He smiles weakly. "Absolutely, I don't have a scratch on me."
I smile despite my tears. "Stupid question, yea."

"Come on, we'll take them to the park to see the injuries, and is there anything serious. My car is around the corner." The Boss says and they pick Trey and Ky up.


Kyler hisses at my touch. "Sorry." I repeat for the millionth time.
He puts his hand on my forearm and puts it down from his head on his other hand.
"Nic. You don't need to apologize." He looks me in the eyes. "You are doing this for the second time around now. Saving my ass, I mean. So instead of you saying 'sorry' I should be saying 'thank you'.

"You don't need to. I don't mind saving your ass." I smile. "Again." He chuckles.
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Tell us what you think guys! <3 :)