Get up Whenever You Fall


"So, Nico, we're going to grab some food first at Galileo's and then we'll give you a little tour." Rider says to me. I nod and smile.
"Oh, yea, we love Galileo's. They have food!" Francis jumps a bit and I just laugh at him.

"What?" He stops in his tracks and looks at me, confused.
"You're like a little child!" I say between laughs.
He pouts, making me laugh even harder. "You're rude and you have a weird laugh!" He stomps his foot.

I compose myself and look up at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in a bad way, though! I'm a big child too! We can be hyper and crazy together!" I offer him my elbow and he acts like he's thinking it trough and seconds later he links his hand with mine.

We skip together, arms waving back and fourth. The guys just look at us like we have three heads. "What?" I ask and they just laugh.
Francis suddenly stops in front of an old fashioned looking food place. He opens the door and a bell above my head rings signaling to the waiters that new costumer entered.

A smell of home cooked meals fills my nostrils. I look around the place. Tan walls filled with framed pictures of what seemed like the prior version of this place. Wooden floor sthe walls and the feeling of the restaurant perfectly.

Adriel went to the counter where a young waitress stood and asked her for a place to sit.
I followed the guys and the girl to a big leather booth. I sit on the edge of the booth with Francis on my right and Adriel, the blond guy, across from me. The guys continued their loud ramble, not minding the rest of the world.

“What can I get you guys?” She asks with a forced, perky smile. The guys don't seem to even notice her. She sighs and just stands there, waiting for them to respond.
I look up at her, noticing that she seems tired and their behavior is not helping. "Sorry about them. You know how guys are, especially when they come in a pack of thirteen." I smile sympathetically.

She returns the smile. "Don't worry, I'm used to them."
I frown. "You shouldn't be. It's rude of them." With that I turn to them. "Guys!" They stop talking and turn to me. I motion to the girl next to me. They finally realize she's here and tell her their orders. I tell her mine too.

She's about to leave when she turns back. "Thank you." She smiles genuinely.
"No problem." I smile back. "I'm Nico." I extend my hand. She shakes it. "Thea." Once more, she turns around to get our orders to the cook.

Twenty minutes later Thea is walking slowly to our booth, juggling all of our food at once. I get up and hurry to help her. I grab some of the plates that she's carrying and place them on the table. "Again, thank you." I chuckle. "Again, no problem."

We eat our food and talk. All of the guys seem pretty cool, and are growing closer to me more every second. "So where are you guys taking me?" I ask, curious.
"Everywhere. You're in for a good time." Adriel smirks.
"It's weird that I'm the only girl though." I frown.
"So, call Thea." Adriel shrugs. "We know Trey will like that." He nudges the pale, dark haired guy sitting next to him. The guy just rolls his eyes.

I get up. "I think I'll do just that." I make my way to the slightly crowded restaurant and stop at the counter. "Thea." The small framed girl turns around to face me.
"Nico!" She smiles once more. She never seems to stop doing it.

"Hey, when do you get off work?" She looks at me, confused but still answers. "In ten minutes, actually. Why?"
"I was wondering if you would go with me and the guys for a tour around town. I'm new here and they were kind of assigned to take me on a tour and I don't want to be the only girl and you seem really nice, so, please." I put on my best pout face. I've been told plenty times that my pouts are really hard to resist, so, why not try?

She thinks about it for a moment and then sighs in defeat. "Sure."
I clap excitedly. "Yay! I knew my pouts work!" She giggles at me.
"We'll wait for you outside." I say and go on to tell the guys we have a plus one.
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*clap* yaaay! another one!
what do you think?
another *clap* for my amazing co-write Jess! :))
Kay, I have a sugar rush right now so I'm acting like a child..I should stop before it gets ugly..