Status: Complete

The Randomest Collection of Stories about Pretty Much Anything You Can Create a Story About

Chapter I-Feel-Like-Roller-Skating!

Whoa. I just realized how big Ms. Roach's bottom half is. (Summer: I read this in study hall and almost burst out laughing. I was having trouble controlling myself and some of the kids around me turned to me and gave me a "WTF?" look.) This story is gonna SUCK because I have NO IDEAS WHATSOEVER. Also, your mother saved the world from...evasive goldfish. Even the grocery store, your house, and school are closed. Yet I am sitting in study hall. How is that possible? The answer lies in YOUR MOM. No no no. I meant to write "Exactly."

PS That story was too short.


PS That story SUCKED!!!
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Alyssa: That story is longer than half the chapters on here.
So there's this kid in my science class named Sam, and he's on the "famed" 7th grade football team and he's been six for like 1.5 weeks. So he finally comes back today, and last night was the last football game of the season (which they one like 35-0). So our science teacher is the head coach of the team, so when he sees Sam, he's like, "SAM!! YOU'RE BACK! YOU MISSED ALL THE FUN LAST NIGHT!!"
And my friend Silas (yes, I have a friend who hates Blink-182) turns to me and he's like "That's what she said."
And we start cracking up.
Fun times in science class. We're so perverted.