Status: Complete

The Randomest Collection of Stories about Pretty Much Anything You Can Create a Story About

Chapter Vote NO On issue 2 now. OR ILL KILL YOU.

Once upon a real time, Emma and Summer went to the NeverShoutNever(<3333) Concert and saw Mark Hoppus running around naked. Feared for their lives, they ran to the womens restroom, where Billie Joe the Unicorn was puking up his guts and some security dude had to bust through the door cuz Emma yelled "HES NOT RESPONDING" at everyone that walked by. Summer attempted to explain to Emma that Billie Joe the Unicorn was really an evil force and was destined to be destroyed, but Emma didnt want to hear her bullsh*t. Cuz when your a Cobainist, you LOVE unicrons. You know. The non-evil ones that arent secretly lord valdimor. Unfortunatly, it was to late. The security gaurd that worked for Downy had already heard Emmas cries for help and came rushing to save the Evil Unicorn named Billie Joe. Suddenly, Gavin appeared and started majrly flirting with Emma so she went and told her older brother Zen while she was yelling at him, "CUZ EVEN AFTER THREE TEXT MESSAGES FOUR MISSED CALLS YOU STILL SLEPT WITH MY BEST FRIEND.Aka Summer. But shes to good for you. What the hell was she thinking?!" Then everyone exploded except for NeverShoutNever(<333), Fake Problems(<3333333), Emma, Summer, and Zen, cuz the rest of them SUCK BUTT. Then Emma says "BOY THAT WAS ROUGH. Ummmmm......SUMMER CORSON LIKES THE WORD SUGGESTIVELY." And while Summer was laughing hysterically, Emmas mom comes in and says, "..........Grandma. TAKE ME HOME."Then a married couple/child molesters named budda and the fatass came and tried to rape Zen but Zen gouged their eyes out and then Link from the Legend of Zelda fell from the sky and turned Budda and Fattass(who were bleeding severly out the eyes) into trasvestites. Then an alien spaceshipp(TOM DELONGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) came down from the sky and Budda the Tranvestite screamed THOW THE CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!!!!!! And pleted all american white cheddar at the spaceshipe(TOM DELONGE!!!!!!!!!!!!) And the aliens shot him with a ray gun and the world then had one less child molester to wory about.(I thought there were two child molesters?....exactly.)

The male seahorse carries the children and gives them birth.