Status: Complete

The Randomest Collection of Stories about Pretty Much Anything You Can Create a Story About

CHAPTER grr. I don't know where my other chapter is.

One day, (YES! I REMEMBERED TO INDENT!) I was home sick. Not really. I was just home. Not sick. So, I was playing on my computer (Facebooking Summer while she was in study hall), when a great blast of wind swept me out of my chair. Oh God. OH GOD. It was a tornado! In the tornado, I saw some random lady riding a motorcycle. And....YOUR MOM! (By the way, YOUR MOM is so stupid she climbed over a glass fence to see what was on the other side.) All of a sudden, I was in Oz. (Crap. Now I have Living In Oz by Rick Springfield stuck in my head.) Anyway, THE END.
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Alyssa likes Bon Jovi, Rick Springfield, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Joan Jett, Pat Benatar, did I mention Bon Jovi? Yeah.