Status: Complete

The Randomest Collection of Stories about Pretty Much Anything You Can Create a Story About


But really. Who would be stupid enough to coming up with that? Kurt Cobain is. Just kidding...or am I? WHOA! What was that? It's YOUR MOM! YOUR MOM is a fat pirate. Did you know, on this thing we're going to do on our next vacation, you can take a tour of the national male seahorse preserve? All the exotic and rare male seahorse species live here. (Summer: I read this studies or science, don't remember which, and I started cracking up insanely.) They feed on your mom and eggs from female seahorses. It sounds SO SO SO SO SO fun. (In reality, there is no such thing, BTW. Summer: DAMMIT!!!) Then, once they feed, you can watch them give birth. To evil, pregnant, mustant cathorses. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES! Sorry, I just had to write that. Off to write Noah's spaghetti story... Oh joy...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok. It's "The male seahorse carries the children and gives them birth," and KURT COBAIN OF NIRVANA CAME UP WITH THAT AND PUT IT ON A NIRVANA T-SHIRT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
I read his journals. (Literally.)

So that kid Noah found out that me, Alyssa, and Emma (and also Rachel) are all writing this story, and now he wants Alyssa to write a story from him. He wants to the following things in his spaghetti story (he wrote them down for Alyssa in green colored pencil.)
-Spaghetti monster that eats Asian babies
-Babbelon de Bonbon (no one knows exactly what this is)
-Nose hair
-Beglian chocolate
-Canadian bacon
-Lard (oh my.)
-Luber cent (once again. No one knows what this is.)
-Ligers (????)
-Butter. Fat free.
-Bolon ye (we found out later this was balonge. or balonga. However you spell it.)
-Some word that looks like "uuvau suela"
-Nose rings
-Cotton swabs

So that's what Alyssa has been working on for the past week and a half. Of course when it's finished I'll post it. Oh joy. Oh joy indeed.