Status: Complete

The Randomest Collection of Stories about Pretty Much Anything You Can Create a Story About


I feel really bad because today’s band I’m obsessed with is Avenged Sevenfold, but today is the 2 month anniversary of the Blink concert, so I SHOULD be obsessed with them. But I’m not. So anyway.

The Rev was getting really mad. He, Zacky Vengeance, Brian Haner (I don’t think he’s a real person, but the real name of one of these dudes; probably Syn), M. Shadows, and Synester Gates were all standing around the Pepsi machine, pissed cuz they couldn’t move cuz no one had finished the story of the gay-ass test yet, and also hasn’t written about it for weeks.


“FCK FCK SHT FCK!” yelled Jimmy (AKA the Rev), kicking the Pepsi machine angrily. (I thought he died. Me: STFU.) (Apologies to Alyssa, who must be gaping in horror right now. Yes, they really do swear this much.)

“Don’t use that fcking language in SCHOOL, god dammit,” yelled Mr. Magical Teacher Man as he walked by. Jimmy flipped him off.

Suddenly, that one chcik from the gay-ass test chapter came up to them. “Ummm, guys? The machine is always closed until after school.”

“OH MY GOD!” yelled Jimmy. He looked like he was about to cry, so Summer gave him a hug, so he looked like he wasn’t about to cry.

“Now what?” asked M. Shadows.

“Maybe we should use the Force,” Zacky suggested.

Summer’s mouth dropped open. “You guys know the Force?”

“Yeah!” said Jimmy with a grin. “We have purple lightsabers!” Everyone unleashed their purple lightsbaers and started waving them around, until, of course, someone from the study hall right next to them yelled, “SHUT UP!”

“You guys are SO better than Nirvana,” Summer told them. “I can’t wait to tell Alyssa!”

“Well, that is because Nirvana is some stupid grunge band that ruined your life AND way of thinking,” Zacky said smarticle-ly. “You should continue listening to awesome bands, like Blink-182, and Green Day, and Bon Jovi, and us. Even the Foo Fighters. Alsom stop listening to this BrokNCYDE and Bring Me The Horizon crap. You know they suck.”

“What about Black Veil Brides and A Day To Remember?”

“They have posible messages.”

“And THAT’S how I learned Nirvana can fck up your soul.