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The Randomest Collection of Stories about Pretty Much Anything You Can Create a Story About

CHPTR 5: Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters got on a plane flown by Jack Black (never good). Drag queen interpretations of him and the rest of the Foo Fighters came on the plane too, and Dave Grohl was asked for an autograph from a chick that Summer (that's me if you didn't know) us scared of, cuz a girl who dressed in pink skirts, pink cartigans and pigtails who also looks suspiciously like Dave Grohl shouldn't listen to Nirvana OR the Foo Fighters. Then the flight attendent accidentally murders the pilot so Dave Grohl lands the plane successfully, and in the end, the drummer of the Foo Fighters, Taylor Hawkins, ended up pregnant. How are all of these pregnancies possible...exactly. And during all of this the plane is singing "I'm looking to the sky to save me, I'm looking for a sign of life, looking for something to help me burn out bright. (more words) Make my way back home as I learn to fly high."

Oh and then a fat lady thinks pregnant Taylor Hawkins is a cheeseburger and almost eats him.
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I'm weird cuz I'm making all these male rock stars pregnant.

I'm sorry if I screwed up the Learn To Fly lyrics. I wrote this in study hall and probably got them wrong, and I'm too lazy to look them up. So there you go.