The Great Big Book of Everything


Okay so how would you feel if you're a shy loner who doesn't have many friends? I'm sure there's those people out there somewhere...but where? I did have a best friend...she was my best friend for 13 years...but she started spreading fucking rumors about me at her I gave up. I still miss her though... I started thinking about committing suicide and cutting...a typical though for people my age I've noticed. I'm in a struggling relationship with another friend right now...she's not sure what to think about me...she's admitted to me that I'm confusing and I'm giving her mixed signals (whatever that means) but she's one of those people who's impossible not to like...and when you don't like her her friend make you look bad...One of her best friends is my ex-best there's trouble there. The only other friend I have is someone who I haven't gotten to talk to for more than 3 minutes since January. I feel invisible to most people. Maybe I'm pathetic...I don't know...but you like me or don't it's up to you...I don't give a damn.