Blood Horror High

The Future

September 15, 2008

Amanda, Imani, and Shelly entered Blake Hills High at 10am that morning carrying enough ammunition to take down all of their graduating class and half of the juniors as well.

Amanda had been undergoing weekly trips to a therapist prior to the incident, but investigators say that may have only made her intentions stronger.

Though her excuse for such a demonic crime was because 'another girl stole her boyfriend' the actions were premeditated and were months in the making.

Forty-eight students and three staff members had been killed that day, twelve of them dying instantly - including Andrew and Lindsey.

October 2008

After the incident, the funerals, and what not, no one wanted to go back to attending Blood Horror High. It was a cursed campus. Nothing but bad things happened there.

In late October, a bunch of students decided to set the school on fire.

The entire campus was set ablaze, and the students who set the fire swear they heard a horrific screaming sound coming from where the first fire in the gym was, but there was nobody there at the time.

They believed the ghosts may have been reliving their past.

After the school was set on fire, the fire department was called, but not one officer showed up until it was too late. Everyone believed it was best if the school was not saved.

November 2008

After the destruction of the fire, the school looked devastated and was a safety hazard. It had been condemned.

Students began classes at the city's college on the other side of town until a new school could be built, one that was no where near the old one.

The old school was torn down. Construction workers swear they could hear gun shots and screams as they worked on a daily basis, but there was never any evidence left behind.

December 2008

The school was now gone, a dirt field in it's place. No one ever ventured onto the property - not even if they were dared.

People who lived nearby moved. Saying strange things happened in the empty field and were not things they wanted to see on a daily bases.

March 2010

The field was now growing weeds. Kids had moved on, graduated and left town, hoping to find something better than the haunting memories that were Blake Hills High.

Nearly two years later, the empty field had become a memorial. Flowers, stuffed animals, crosses, and what not were all over the field. No one still went onto the field unless they had to.

Once someone stepped onto the field, a strange feeling would come over them. Some could sense they were in a school classroom - even if they never knew there was a school there to begin with.

It was a creepy place without a doubt.


People moved on, people forgot the terrible tragedies the empty field held.

One day, a business man stepped out of a limo in front of the empty field and nodded in approval, "Its perfect." he whispered.

He nodded to a man on his left who pulled a sign out of the trunk of the limo and hammered it into the ground. The sign read 'Future Mega Multiplex Theater. Coming in 2021'

Not long after, the ground was disturbed with the construction for an unbelievably large movie theater. Although some strange things happened during the construction, no one paid any mind to it and continued to build.

No one knew what they were unleashing. No one knew what they were awakening. No one knew what was about to happen. But anyone who attended the high school could have told them, it would never be anything good.
♠ ♠ ♠
That's the end.

This was my first horror type of story I ever posted online. I started to write it back in 2008, which is why it is set that far back. I felt I had to write a school shooting story after Virginia Tech university and the Columbine high school shootings.

I wanted to show how life can be care-free or drama central and show that everything can change at the drop of a hat. I didn't know anyone in the real-life incidents, but they made a real impact in my life and made me see things from a different point of view.

I'm sorry many of the chapters in this story were short, but I felt that was all that needed to be said for each chapter.

This story does have potential for a sequel, and if you want it I will begin posting it. xD

Thanks for reading my story and I hope you liked it.