Status: I just found this story and decided to post it... I'll put more on after a few comments...

Black Karma

Lone Wolf

Sniffing the ground again, I realized with horror the mistake I had just made. I stumbled back fearfully, head snapping back and forth, seeking out the others I knew had to be somewhere near by. God, why was I such a fool?
Karma is my name, a very unfortunate one to have if you ask me. I’ve had so many people give me funny looks or crack jokes about it that I’ve lost count. I’m a freak of nature, something that shouldn’t be… quite seriously, I am. I’m not very tall, a platinum blonde with grey eyes, so pale I would never be able to sneak out at night without being seen. I’m smart, so I really don’t have to try in school. But when it comes to fitting in, I’ve always had trouble with that. Being a she-wolf kind of ruins all possibility of ever making real friends. How did I become one? I have no clue. Neither of my parents were wolves, so how did a human child like me get her genes so messed up? Having the heightened senses and other things that most normal humans don’t have creeps people out, so they tend to avoid me.
I sniffed again, hackles rising. Yep, it was definitely another wolf, a couple actually. A whimper slipped out as I searched for the wolves that I had smelled. I had just moved here, so in my defense I had no clue that there was another wolf pack here! It was never smart to impinge on another pack’s territory. I learned that lesson the hard way when I was twelve. Being a freak even in your own family means you can’t tell them that you are one… humans are never quick to accept that you are anything but human, and if they do you better run for your life because the gun or scientists are soon to follow. My family took an innocent vacation to California… bad idea. I had no idea there were others of my kind, let alone that you shouldn’t barge in on the territory uninvited… let’s just say my parents received a very tearful and very bloody child that night.
Carefully, I backed away, eyes searching the area, ears pricked forward and listening. Turning around carefully, I turned and sprinted for my new home, my heart hammering in my chest. I did not want to be attacked again. Almost near home, I shifted human. I breathed in the beautiful smell of the foliage and animals that called the woods home. My old home had been horrible, in a suburban town that provided me hardly any space to run as a wolf. This was beautiful, perfect. Trotting up to my new home, which was a huge two-story house set back into the trees, I scanned the yard for any signs of the wolves. Nothing. I was safe. A smile stretched across my face and I darted for the door.
“Watch it!” Keegan, my little brother, snapped. The next thing I knew I was flying forward, tripping over a box he had sitting right in the entrance.
“Keegan!” I snapped, barely catching myself so that I didn’t hit the ground. “Why do you have a box in the way of the front door? How stupid can one be?” I fumed. Stupid boy…
“Not my fault you can’t watch where you’re going,” Keegan said, a smirk on his face.
I scowled at him but said nothing. I kicked the box out of the way, getting a string of complaints that I ignored. I wandered upstairs to my new room. I was almost done unpacking. The only things left were the small things like my books. The room faced south towards the back yard, a huge oak right next to the one window. The second window had a window seat, where the last three boxes sat. Striding across the plush tan carpet, I curled up on the floor to finish.
“Karma?” My mother stood in the doorway to my room. One look at her and it was made obvious whom I got my looks from. Long wavy platinum blonde hair and large blue eyes, my mother had the looks of an actress.
“Yes, Mom?” I asked, looking away from the bookshelf I was slowly filling.
“Have you seen your father?” she asked, walking into my room with an unconscious grace.
I frowned, my eyebrows crushing together. “No, I haven’t. Why?”
“I can’t find my earrings,” she said, pouting.
“Which ones?” I asked in an offhand way.
“The silver hoops.”
I shoved the last book onto my shelf, a Stephen King novel, before I turned to face her.
“Well, Dad sure isn’t going to know where they are.”
My mother studied me for a couple seconds from where she was perched on the edge of my bed. “Have you ever considered wearing jewelry yourself, Karma?”
I groaned, standing up and turning away from her. “Mom, don’t start. I do wear jewelry.” She had this thing against the way I dressed. I liked my T-shirts and jeans… She felt I should dress up more often.
“No you don’t! The most you ever wear are earrings. Have you ever considered spicing up a cute V-neck with a necklace maybe? Wear a skirt?”
“Mom!” I complained.
I heard someone walking up the stairs and my dad appeared in the doorway. Brown hair falling into gray eyes framed by black wire rimmed glasses, my father was a striking man of six feet.
“Dad! Have you seen Mom’s earrings?” I asked, already knowing that answer.
He gave me a rather priceless look of confusion. I had to stifle a laugh. “No. Why would I have seen them?” I simply shook my head.
He frowned, but didn’t say anything more about the matter. “Could you come help me with something, Nola?
My mother left with a sigh. I flopped onto my bed as soon as they left, only to be interrupted immediately after. “Want to come into town with me, Karma?”
I looked over at Keegan, at eyes the same color as mine. He had my dad’s looks, minus the nerdy glasses. “Sure. Why not?”
“Well, let’s go, Karma.” He immediately turned and disappeared. Rolling my eyes, I skipped down the stairs after him.

'Bo!' Namiko called to me urgently.
With a growl, I continued to run in the direction I was heading, but didn’t turn around to find the smaller wolf. 'What is it this time?'
'Probably another mountain lion that he failed to realize was near by,' Mocha said.
I sniffed. It wouldn’t surprise me… the wolf had a tendency to let his mind drift.
'No! It’s another wolf!' Namiko howled.
I skidded to a stop and whirled instantly in the direction for Namiko. 'What do you mean it’s another wolf?!' I snapped.
'Is it…?' Tommy started but trailed off.
‘No. I don’t know who this is…’ Namiko trailed off.
I was running at top speed towards Miko, my mind flying through who it could be this time. I knew that the Moonshade pack had increased its numbers… was this a new wolf to their pack? I had to stop abruptly so that I wouldn’t crash into Tommy. I snarled and snapped at the gray wolf for being in my way. Sorry, sorry! He whimpered, scampering out of my reach.
I could smell the wolf… a rich chocolaty scent with a floral mix… almost like jasmine. Ears flicking, Aislinn stepped forward, her lips curled over her teeth. ‘You don’t think the alpha Moonshade would be stupid enough to send one of his own into our territory?’ She asked.
I chose not to answer, following the trail, my pack on my heels. This wolf didn’t smell like a Moonshade. What is a lone wolf doing around here?
‘Maybe it’s just a lone wolf… wolves do live around here, you know. It may not be one of us at all,’ mused Mocha.
It was a possibility, but I was going to make sure that was exactly what it was. The trail took me straight into civilization… not many wolves are stupid enough to waltz into human habitation in broad daylight. It had to be a lycanthrope. There was no other logical explanation. The trail took me right to the edge of the old Smith home. I observed the decrepit looking house, seeing someone now claimed the place as home. My ears and tail twitched in agitation.
As I stood there in the brush, I saw a girl and a boy walk out of the house. The girl was a platinum blonde, everything about her white. I looked her over, appreciating her curvaceous build. The boy couldn’t be much younger than she was, with brown hair and matching eyes. Siblings, perhaps? So how lone wolf was a werewolf after all. I was going to have to keep an eye on her. I took a step back carelessly, causing a branch to snap.
The girl’s gray eyes found me instantly, fear flashing in their pale depths. Immediately I drew back into the trees and out of sight.
‘Wow, she’s gorgeous,’ Shade said.
I could feel Aislinn bristling at the knowledge of another she-wolf nearby. She had an alpha ego, something I often had to remind her she wasn’t. Aislinn and Mocha had no dominancy issues, but when it came to others Aislinn felt she had to make it clear she was better. My pack had no alpha female, something that made it a little unstable, but we managed.
I barely paid my pack any attention as my mind considered the newcomer.

Walking down my driveway with Keegan, the snapping of a tree branch caught my attention. My eyes found a dark wolf staring out at me through the ferns at the edge of our yard. Fear coiled in my stomach like a disgusting snake. I watched the wolf back into the trees, the sunlight catching its black fur giving it brownish hues.
“What is it, Karma?” Keegan asked, eyebrows coming together curiously.
I shook my head. “Nothing. I just thought I heard something is all.”
Keegan rolled his eyes. “Sweet Karma, always hearing and smelling things that aren’t there.” I scowled at him, making him grin.
“So where exactly are we going,” I asked when we finally reached the little town.
Keegan shrugged. “No where in particular,” he said. “I just wanted something to do. I figured we could come check it out.”
I shrugged as well. Sounded like a nice enough plan to me. My eyes scanned the streets, searching for any signs of the wolves that I kept smelling.
Keegan glanced over at me, giving me a funny look. It must have been obvious that I was on edge, but I couldn’t help it. I really didn’t want to get into a fight my first week there. I forced my face into a smile for Keegan’s sake.
His grey eyes suddenly got large. “Karma, look!” I watched my little brother run across the street. Rolling my eyes and sighing, I followed like the good sister that I was.
“Laser tag!” he crowed.
“Really, Keegan? You’re sixteen.” I gave him a disbelieving look.
“What? All because I’m sixteen doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a game of laser tag. You like it too, you know.” He jutted out his chin, his mouth coming together in a thin line, fighting a smile.
“I wasn’t saying anything against you playing laser tag, just that you don’t need to act like a five year old about it.” I smirked at him.
He scowled at me playfully. “You want to play?”
I shook my head. “I’m good. How about we meet in a little?”
Keegan shrugged. “Sounds good to me. How about that diner across the street in two hours?”
I nodded. “Sounds good. See you then.” I watched him run to the entrance where a group of kids about our age sat. I amazed me how quickly Keegan could work his way into a group of kids and befriend them. Shaking my head, I turned away, wondering what I was going to do now that my brother had ditched me.
The town was a cute little place, but I wouldn’t be happy there. There was no space between the houses, no room to run and roam. My nose picked up the strong scent of chocolate, and I found myself wandering down a street in search of it. I smiled, spotting a cute little store. Walking into the warm, sweet smelling shop, I saw all assortments of fudge and chocolate there. Looking around the small place, I saw that they also served hot chocolate and coffee products. I let my nose lead me to the front, attracted to the most mouthwatering smell of fresh fudge being made.
“Hello, there,” A very deep and very male voice said from behind me. I spun on my heel to face the speaker. He sat at one of the few tables, surrounded by others. He was tall, handsome in a dark and brooding way with his black eyes and dark hair. Sitting on his right was a blonde girl with piercing gold eyes, eyes that made me stiffen at the challenge in them. Who does she think she is, I thought angrily as the girl glared at me silently. My eyes moved on to the boy with auburn hair and chocolate colored eyes, an easy grin spread across his face. A boy with light brown hair sat next to him with bright green eyes. I couldn’t help but notice how close he sat to the boy with red-ish brown hair. The next at the table was another girl, this one with beautiful sapphire colored eyes and long brown hair. She looked perfectly at ease, the last girl next to her braiding her hair. The last girl had mocha colored hair and warm brown eyes, a small smile on her lips. The final person at the table was a boy with dark brown hair and slightly gold eyes, much like the hateful blonde’s.
After a few seconds their scent finally registered in my head, and I stiffened. “Hello.” They were the wolves I had smelled in the woods. Were they going to cause a scene here?
“I don’t recognize you,” the braiding girl said, releasing her friend’s hair and sitting back. “Are you the one that moved into the old Smith house?”
I looked her over, carefully evaluating the girl. She didn’t come across as a threat… “The old Smith house?” I questioned. “I just moved here, yes. So I’m assuming so.”
The cinnamon haired boy placed his elbows on the table and leaned forward, grinning. “No one has lived in that house in forever.”
“Well, someone is living there now.” I smiled at him, eyes still studying them.
The boy chuckled. “What’s your name, newbe?”
“I’m Karma Nightshadow,” I said, smiling at the boy. My eyes drifted back to blondie and I felt my blood boil. She was still glaring at me. “Got a problem?” I snapped, surprising myself. I never snapped at someone like that… Keegan excluded. I had no experience with my kind whatsoever and I just about challeneged the wolf.
Her gold eyes widened in surprise at first, but then her lip curled back in a snarl. The others at the table chuckled and laughed, while I stood there blushing furiously. The dark-haired boy that had originally spoken to me placed a hand on the girl’s arm. “Relax,” he said. He turned his dark eyes on me then as the girl leaned back in her chair, her eyes screaming murder. He looked somewhat amused. “Welcome to our little town, Karma. I’m Diablo.”
I couldn’t help my initial feeling of horror at the fact that someone would actually name his or her child diablo. I covered it up as quickly as I could, considering my name wasn’t much better. I chased off an awful lot of superstitious people. “Nice to meet you,” I decided to say, mentally kicking myself for sounding so formal and awkward.
“Most people call me Bo,” Diablo said, arms folding more tightly across his chest. I nodded, acknowledging him.
“I’m Cinnamon,” the cinnamon haired boy spoke up. I wondered whether his name was simply a nickname…
“I’m Tommy,” the boy sitting next to Cinnamon with the bright green eyes introduced himself.
“Mocha,” the girl with mocha colored hair said.
“Shade,” the guy with eyes like the girl that hated me said. “And this is Accallia.” He gestured next to him, to the girl that had her hair braided.
“Namiko,” said another guy with brown hair, sidling up to the table clutching a cup in his hand. He was cute in an adorable round-faced way.
“This is Aislinn,” Diablo said, pointing to the miserable blonde. “And you’ve already seen her as she is.”
“I can tell we’re going to be just wonderful friends,” I said facetiously to her. It was stupid and immature, I know. I was asking to get attacked, but for some reason I just couldn’t help it.
The girl sat up straight. “Looks like there is plenty of room over at that table if you have a problem with me,” her voice was like breaking glass, grating at my nerves. I wanted to strangle the girl as she pointed at an empty table across the room.
“Oh, but I am so comfortable here. I think I can tolerate you for a while,” I mused, sitting down in a chair across from their table so that I could talk to them—their table was much too full.
She scowled but said nothing. The wolf pack watched our interaction with great interest, eyes flicking between the two of us.
Bo turned and faced me fully, his back to the aggravating Aislinn. “Care to share what a lone wolf like you is doing prowling on another pack’s territory?”
I stiffened, eyes flicking around to see if anyone had heard him. I knew this was coming sooner or later. They weren’t talking to me for no reason at all. “I didn’t realize there were others around here,” I said, having trouble voicing allowed that we were all werewolves. “I didn’t mean to intrude in any way.”
Bo’s lips twisted into a small smile of amusement. “I’m sure not.”
My heart was fluttering like a hummingbird’s. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have anywhere to go… I’ll try not to infringe on your territory.”
“That’d be wise of you, but considering you’re living on our territory, we’ve got a problem, huh lone wolf?” Aislinn snapped, her sneer rubbing me the wrong way.
“Aislinn!” Diablo snapped. “Could you shut up and control yourself for once?” I was surprised to see her shrink back and go silent. It became clear to me immediately who was the alpha male in that pack. “I have no problem with you for now, Karma. We’ll work something out with the territory boundaries… I’d just watch yourself, little lone she-wolf. The other packs won’t be as tolerating.”
“I’ll keep your warning in mind,” I responded.
“Plus, I don’t think the other packs will like the dominance you radiate,” Cinnamon chimed in.
I looked at him, confused. I did not radiate any dominance of any sort. I felt it was best if I didn’t comment.
I watched the pack all stand up to leave a couple of seconds later. “Um, wait!” I called, chasing after them like a fool.
Diablo turned to face me, an eyebrow cocked. “Yes?”
“Um… I…” Stupid, I thought. I’m so stupid! Now what was I going to say? “Uh…” Now I just looked like a babbling fool. I sighed. Might as well ask what I wanted to. “Where are these other pack territories located? I’m sorry, but… I’ve never dealt with a wolf pack before. I don’t necessarily know pack etiquette.”
Namiko snorted. “There hardly is such a thing as pack etiquette. You listen to the alpha and get along, that’s about it.”
Mocha gave him a look. “Its hardly that simple,” she said.
“Sure it is!” Namiko argued.
Diablo shot them a look and they both shut up. “Come along, lone wolf. I’ll explain somewhere less open.” I hesitated, unsure whether or not to trust him.
I studied Diablo’s pack as they moved around him. It didn’t take much to figure out who stood where in the rank of things and how they benefited the pack. Namiko was the joker in a sense, skipping around making everyone laugh. Shade seemed to be lost in thought, the quiet one. I watched a deep blush creep along his cheeks when Accallia spoke to him. I had to bite back a smile at that. Did the boy have a crush on her? Cinnamon chatted Tommy’s ear off, while Aislinn kept close to Diablo. Mocha seemed to be at ease talking to Aislinn and Accallia, the one that laughed the most at Namiko.
Reaching the trees, I just about leaped out of my skin in surprise when the entire pack shifted forms just out of sight. Diablo was the one that captured my attention, as he became the beautiful dark wolf from earlier. The sunlight hit his coat, highlighting it in places a deep brown. The tip of his muzzle was a softer brown, and the tip of his tail and ears. He was gorgeous… he was huge! The pack all looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to shift. Namiko, now a gray, white, and brown wolf, pranced around me, snapping playfully. Diablo gave him an unmistakable look of disgust. Namiko didn’t see it.
With a sigh, I shifted. I watched as the pack’s eyes all widened at me.

My jaw fell slack for a few seconds when the lone wolf changed forms. The platinum blonde was gone, replaced by one of the fiercest black wolves I had ever seen. Most wolves’ fur had their hair color in there somewhere. Karma lost all her paleness, all that white and became darker than the night. It was like watching an angel turn into one of the devil’s kin. She was gorgeous, a strong looking wolf of one solid black color. It was like the shadows had condensed to create her, nothing but her eyes keeping her light color. She was a beauty.
‘Come,’ I said to her before turning to leave. ‘We should go further into the woods to stay out of sight.’
Karma followed me immediately, trotting along slightly behind me a few feet away. I felt Aislinn’s displeasure at Karma’s placement. I shot her a warning glare. She had best not harm the she-wolf, or she’d learn real fast what alpha was capable of.
Glancing out the corner of my eye I saw Karma prancing along, oblivious to the fact that she was insulting Aislinn… or not caring. Only the alpha female would dare walk in front of the rest of the pack and the alpha male, which she kept doing. As she walked I couldn’t help but admire the way she was built. She was big compared to the usual female size. Despite her great size, she was lean. Her skinny build reminded me of that of a coyote’s or a racing dog like a Greyhound. She wasn’t nearly as skinny as a greyhound, but the build was similar. Her legs were long and powerful, solid muscle. The wolf was built not only for power and strength, but also for speed. Mocha was our speed demon of the pack with her small size and build that allowed her to move more quickly. Karma was a bigger and more muscled version of Mocha.
Looking over my shoulder at my pack to see the way they were reacting to her, I caught Namiko’s curious gaze. The wolf’s jaws fell slack in a comical grin, his caramel colored eyes danced with amusement. ‘You’re not checking her out, now, are you buddy?’ He asked so that only I would hear.
♠ ♠ ♠
More to come, i promise!!! Your opinion???