Stolen Identity

Stolen Identity: Chapter 2

"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Katie!
Happy birthday to yoou!!" Everyone sang in in the dark kitchen.

Katie sat at the head of the oaken table with a small round chocolate cake infront of her with 18 candels burnung atop of it. She closed her eyes tight, feeling incredibly childish, as she made her birthday wish. Then, she took a deep breath and blew the candels out. The kitchen went dark for a moment whil her dad stumbled for the lights.
"So what did you wish for?" Her best friend, Amy, who was practically her sister, asked.
"I can't tell you." Katie smirked. "It's bad luck."
"Aww.. C'mooon....."
Amy was short and slight, brown-haired, and always bursting with energy. She was supposed to be on mendicine for ADHD, but she never took it during summer vacation.
"I'm sorry, Amy, I just can't tell you," Katie said, dilibaratly pointing out her parents with her eyes, which was a translation for Once they're out of the room...
Her best friend smirked quickly, and then said in a deflated voice, "okaay...."
"Happy 18th birthday, sweetheart!" Her mother fussed, bending over to give her a lung-choking hug.
Katie saw her dad waiting patiently behind his wife for his turn to give her a happy birthday hug. She stood up after her mother had allowed her to breath again, and gave her dad a hug.
"Happy Birthday, sweetheart," he told her.

Later that night, Amy was up in Katie's room, and they were painting eachother's nails, when she asked, "So, what did you wish for, anyway?"
Something lurched in Katie's stomach, and for a moment she almost regretted promising Amy that she'd tell her anything about her birthday wish, but Amy was her best friend. If she couldn't tell Amy about her plans, then who could she tell? She thought It'd be responsible to at least tell one person what she was up to in case anything happened.
"So....???" Her friend asked exspectantly, practically bouncing on the matress in anticipation.
"Well you see..."
"Are you going to let me tell you or not?" She said, hiding a smile, "And stop bouncing, you're messing up your nails."
She came to a halt. "Oh, sorry! So, what is it?!"
"I wished that I could find my birth parents -"
Her friend gasped, but she ignored it.
"and learn about where I come from. Like my heritage and stuff. Amy! Stop squirming!" She chided her, grabbing her hand even tighter, as she struggled to paint it a bright shade of pink.
Amy barely seemed to notice. "But how are you going to find out anything? You're parents..."
"Never tell me anything; I know. But I'm 18 now, and they can't keep my information from me anymore."
Amy looked doubtful, "So what? You're just going to demand that they give you a copy of your adoption papers and stuff?" She speculated, while absent-mindedly examining her freshly-painted nails.
"That's the idea."
"But that's it, right? You're not going to get on a plane to Russia and try to track them down, are you?" She was half-kidding, but also serious.
"Amy," she said sternly.
Her friend looked her in the eye for a moment before bursting out, "WAIT?! YOU'RE NOT SERIOUS?! YOU CAN'T ... MMMGHH!!"
The rest of the outburst was muffled as Katie clapped her hand over her blabbering mouth. "Hush! They can't know!"
With a good deal of struggling, Amy managed to pull Katie's hand off of her mouth. "Why not? You have to tell them. It's not like they can stop you."
"That doesn't matter, I just don't want..."
"Don't want what?" Amy demanded, frustrated. "They have to know where you are. Even if they can't stop you, people need to know where you're going."
"But that's why I'm telling you." She placed both her hands on her shoulders, as Amy began to protest again. "I've broken their rules once, and I don't want to do it again, so as much as I hate lying to them..."
"You're going to lie to your own parents?" Amy gasped.
"I have to. I can't have them comming after me. This is something I feel like I have to do alone."
"Why? Who said you had to do this alone?"
"Because they don't want me finding out about my background. I can't have them holding me back."
Amy was quiet for a long time, for Amy anyway, staring at the flower-print comforter on the bed, tracing the desighn with her finger, then she said, "Well I wouldn't hold you back."
Katie couldn't beleive what her friend was saying. "Amy... no. I can't ask you to do that. You have collage to get ready for in a month -"
"So what? You do, too!" She countered.
"Oops, sorry.... SO why can't I come?"
"I can't ask you to do that for me." She told her quietly.
"Friends don't let friends do stupid things alone," she quoted from a Facebook Flair. "That's what friends are for, right?"
Katie couldn't help but crack a smile. "Okay, you can come, but only if you can help me create a good excuse to leave for a couple weeks."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2!!!!