Status: In the process. Two comments for updates :)

Heart Vacancy


Holy shit was I bored. I had been sitting in a couch in the recording studio watching the guys work 12 hours for three days now. I didn't know how much more my butt could handle. Garrett had been too drunk to ever ask me why I was so down, thankfully. He deserved the hangover, though.

Someone opened the door and I glanced up from my MacBook. There stood a lean boy with short dark hair. Raybans covered his eyes that I could feel staring right back at me. His skinny jeans hug to his waist and his black V-neck was a bit loose on his chest. His black Converse were over used. He was tall, just about John’s height, and he was cute. Especially the smile that adorned his face.

“Last time I checked, there wasn’t such a pretty girl in this band.” He stated.

“No, I’m a friend who was forced to tag along.” I answered loud enough for the guys to hear. I received a few hey’s and middle fingers, causing me to laugh.

“I’m Jaime.” He smiled, extending his hand to me. I heard something fall. I turned to see Garrett eyeing Jaime with a blank look – his bass on the carpeted floor.

“Logan.” I smiled, shaking his hand.

“What are you doing here, Jaime?” Kennedy asked as he set down his guitar.

“My band and I are recording and we heard so were you, so I came by to say hi.” He answered.

“Where’s the rest of your band?” Jared asked.

“They’re still recording. I was bored since I’m done tracking.” Jaime shrugged.

“How do you guys know each other?” I asked.

“We’ve met around a few times on tour.” Kennedy answered.

“I also used to live in Arizona at one point,” Jaime added. “By the way, since when do you guys have such a hot friend?”

I blushed with a giggle.

“She has been Garrett’s best friend since they were five.” Pat answered.

“Would you guys mind if I kidnap her for lunch?” Jaime asked, looking at me. I nodded.

“She can’t.” Garrett finally spoke since Stephen came into the room.

“What do you mean I can’t?” I asked, giving him a face.

“W-we were going out to eat after this.” Garrett stammered.

“It’s okay if she goes.” Jared smiled. I mouthed him a thanks, grabbed my purse and left with Jaime before Garrett could complain.

“I’ve never see Garrett look so angry.” Jaime chuckled.

“Ignore him. He’s a douchebag sometimes.” I sighed.

Jaime and I walked down a few streets and settled for a small cafeteria. I opened the menu and peeked my eyes over to look at Jaime. He was pretty attractive, I have to admit. For him to have taken a notice in me was a surprise. He caught me staring and smiled.

“So, I kind of forgot to ask you what band you’re on.”

“You did. How very rude of you,” He pretended to be hurt. I rolled my eyes and punched his arm. He laughed and rubbed the spot I had hit him. “I play bass for Pierce The Veil.”

“Hmm, never heard of you, so you must stink.” I grinned.

“Ouch. That hurt more that your first.” He held his hand over his heart.

“The truth hurts.” I shrugged.

“Garrett’s pretty protective of you.” He noted.

“Comes with the best friend package,” I rolled my eyes. “I know he means well, but sometimes he goes overboard.”

“Let’s change the subject,” He chuckled, realizing I was annoyed at Garrett. “You’ve known the guys for years and not once did I meet you.”

“You don’t live in Arizona anymore?”

“No, I moved out a few years ago to California with my band. I didn’t live in Arizona for too long anyways,” He sighed, making me blush a darker shade of scarlet. “Garrett and I have never really gotten along.”

“Why’s that?” I asked, curious. I thought I had known everything about Garrett, but I guess I was wrong. He opened his mouth to answer, but the waitress came with our food and he instantly took a bite of his sandwich. We seemed to let the question slip as we continued eating, paid, and left back to the studio. Jaime dropped me off outside the building, saying he had to go back to his recording studio and climbed into a van. He saved my number on his phone before leaving.

“How’d the date go?” John asked the second I stepped into the recording room.

“It wasn’t a date,” I defended, blushing. “It was just lunch.”

“Right.” Pat winked.

I saw Garrett in the couch I had been sitting before with an annoyed expression as he scrolled through his MacBook. I looked at Jared, but he just shrugged. I sighed, seeing as I would have to be the one to talk to him. I dropped my bag on the table and joined him in the couch.

“Why are you moping?” I asked.

“I’m not moping.” He answered.

“Stop being such a douche, Garrett. What’s wrong?” I rolled my eyes.

“I can’t believe you left with Jaime.” He finally said.

“Why? I do have the right to talk to other guys.” I defended.

“Not with him.” He responded, slamming his computer shut.

“Fuck off, Garrett. If I want to go out with him it’s my decision, not yours.” I yelled, grabbing my purse and storming out of the room. I knew how to get to the apartment, so I would walk.

Once I made it back, I went into mine and Garrett’s room and slammed the door shut. I threw my purse on the floor and dropped onto the bed with a loud grunt. I couldn’t believe that Garrett was being such an asshole. What shocked me even more is that there were things about him that I didn’t know. I thought I was his best friend, but maybe I was wrong. He was my best friend, but maybe I wasn’t his. I dozed off, aimlessly falling into dreams that were filled with Garrett.



What the fuck had I done? Logan and I had a few fights through our friendship, but never like this. They were always about me taking that last cookie in the jar or having to cancel plans with her because of band practice. She looked hurt, but I hadn’t said anything too strong to make her feel this way. I just didn’t want her to hang around that stupid Gomez prick. I knew he was a player and I didn’t want her to get hurt. I wanted to protect my best friend. That’s why I made sure she never met him. I had done I great job for five years until now. I groaned in frustration.

“Dude, what was that all about?” John asked.

“You guys know I never wanted her to meet that asshole,” I answered. “I knew he would try to hit on her and I wanted to protect her. He just wants to fuck with girls for entertainment. He’s bad influence. All he does is get drunk and high throughout his life.”

“Are you sure you’re not just jealous?” Pat asked.

“Why would I be jealous?” I gave him a confused look.

“You guys have been best friends for over ten years, dude. Are you sure you haven’t grown feelings for her?” Kennedy asked.

“You did tell her that you loved her once.” Tim added.

“We were eight. I’m positive the only feelings that I have for her are just as a protective best friend.” I answered.

“I think you need to come to your senses about the way you feel about her,” Jared said as we climbed into the van. “And soon because she won’t be there forever.”

I rolled my eyes. Of course she would be. She was my best friend. We promised each other that we would always be together. I never wanted to lose her. When I told her I loved her ten years ago, she rejected me, so I moved on. It didn’t change our friendship then since we were so young, and I was glad.

We arrived in our apartment and I instantly went into mine and Logan’s room. She was lying in her bed in a comfortable sleep. I smiled and walked over to her bed. I wrapped her blanket around her before showering, sliding on my pajamas, grabbing my journal, and climbing into bed. I turned on Ryan Adams on the iHome softly and doodled on my journal, deep in thought.

“Garrett.” I heard Logan whisper. I glanced over at her, thinking she was awake, but the way her eyes twitched made me notice that she was deep in her dreams. I chuckled, noticing something, and flipped over to the last page of my journal and writing my thoughts in it. I looked at what I had written one last time before smiling again and closing it. I placed it under my pillow and stood, climbing onto Logan’s bed.

“Get off, Garrett.” She mumbled.

“No, I need to tell you something.”

“What? That you’re an asshole? You proved yourself today.” She said, not opening her eyes.

“I’m sorry for behaving like such a dick today. I just wanted to protect you.” I said, stroking her hair.

“I’m not mad about that. I’m used to you being so over protective.”

“Then why are you mad at me so I can apologize?” I asked, confused.

“I thought I was your best friend.” She said, finally opening her hurt filled eyes.

“You are. You always have and will be.” I promised, cupping her cheek.

“Then how come you never told me that you hated Jaime?” I took a deep breath.

“I don’t hate him. I just can’t stand him. He’s a player who likes to use girls for one night stands. He’s a fuck up in life who only knows how to get drunk and high. He’s a bad influence. I never wanted him to come around you because I knew he would hit on you. I wanted to protect you from him so he couldn’t hurt you.” I explained.

“Why would you think he would hit on me?” She asked.

“Logan, you’re a beautiful, funny, smart, strong girl. He would have been all over you in a matter of seconds. And I was right by the looks of today.” I sighed.

“You think I’m beautiful?”

“Stunning. Gorgeous. Everything.” I admitted. It was true. Logan was one of the most stunning looking girls I had ever come across. Her blue eyes were shone brightly and her smile was stunning. She had a perfect body and beautiful hair. She was perfect. Before I knew what I was doing, I leaned in, closing the gap between us and pressed my lips to hers. This wasn’t the first time I had kissed her. Through the years when I was upset or she was, a kiss seemed to ease things and cheer us up. Though each time our lips met, the butterflies seemed to always erupt. She returned the kiss gladly and everything was perfect at that moment. I never wanted to depart my lips from hers. I had kissed a few girls throughout my young life, but those kisses didn’t hold the same values like Logan’s. They didn’t make me feel light headed and like I could fly. They didn’t make everything seem so easy. They didn’t make me happy like Logan did.

My hands found her hips and slid under her shirt. She was fine with this movement. I snaked my hand up and I could feel the goose bumps on her skin. My hand was on her back now and I found the clasp of her bra. That’s when her body stiff and she broke the kiss. I already yearned for her lips on mine again.

“I-I can’t, Gare.” She said, out of breath.

“I understand.” I whispered, blushing. Had I pushed it too far?

“I’m sorry.” She told me.

“It’s my fault.” I chuckled, kissing her forehead. She stood to shower and change into her pajamas before she joined me in her bed again. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. Her hot breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine.

“I love you, best friend.” I whispered.

“And I love you, Baby Nicko.” She said sleepily, causing a laugh from me.
♠ ♠ ♠
It took me a while to figure out who to put as the love triangle. Then Pierce The Veil hit me. I just love Jaime!
Hope you like.
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