Status: Completed

I Can Taste Him on Your Lips


The air was slowly changing from the sweltering summer heat to a light autumn coolness that made it possible for me to wear jackets and sweaters freely without any discomfort from the heat.

And so there I sat in my backyard on a lounge chair that was rarely used in the grey cardigan I had stolen from Alex and a pair of comfy black sweat pants reading a book. With my knees brought up to rest my book on and my little used reading glasses on I was slowly falling into the world of the book, a world full of people not being who they said they were.

I was so into my book that I didn’t hear someone approaching until I was suddenly scooted forward and a body slid onto the chair behind me. Looking back, I smiled when I was Jason looking down at me with a smile of his own.

“Mind if I join you?” He asked wrapping his arms around my middle.

I shook my head ‘no’ before looking back down to the words on the paperback book in front of me.

It was quiet and peaceful around us and I was actually enjoying this time spent with him, that is until a loud, girlish screaming made us both look to the right just before a man not wearing a shirt rushed out of Peter and Isobel’s back door screaming his head off.

“I DON’T FUCKING WANT IT! PUT THE FUCKING SQUIRT BOTTLE AWAY YOU MOTHER FUCKER!” One Jack Barakat screamed as his drummer friend chased after him with a squirt bottle in one hand and a soaking wet shirt in the other.

“JACK PUT YOUR FUCKING SHIRT BACK ON!” The drummer yelled tossing the wet cloth in Jack’s face just as he was running in a circle around the back yard.

Another scream erupted from Jack’s throat but he stopped both running and eventually the screaming and put the shirt back on once he realized the drummer was aiming the nozzle right at him.

That was right before Jack looked over at me and screamed once more.

“CUPCAKE!” He squealed skipping over to us.

“Hi Jack,” I sighed shaking my head as I smiled widely at his childish antics.

“You know this maniac?” Jason whispered in my ear to which I only nodded.

“You must be the hubby!” Jack yelled while laughing manically as if he had heard what Jason had asked me. “I’m Jack Barakat, guitarist extraordinaire and part time Play Girl model.”

“I’m Jason….and I work at the Apple Headquarters in New York…”

“Can you get me a free iPhone!?” Jack screamed excitedly. “A certain jackass threw mine at me…While I was in the shower.”

“You can’t blame Alex for that though, you were the one singing Aladdin at four o’clock in the morning while he had a massive hangover.” Rain said while laughing.

Jason looked down at me with a worried and confused facial expression to which I only shrugged, trying to suppress my laughter.

“I’m Rian by the way,” The drummer said once he caught my eye, giving me a small wave to go alone with his shy smile. “Rian Dawson.”

“Christine, also known as Cupcake if you wish,” I said rolling my eyes in Jack’s general direction.

“Nice to meet you, but we gotta go make sure Alex doesn’t try and burn down the house again while his rents are away cause God knows Zack won’t try and stop him that lazy asshole.” Rian mumbled making me let out a bubbly laugh that I couldn’t manage to hold down.

“I HEARD THAT DICKHEAD!” Both Alex and Zack yelled in unison as the stuck their heads out of the kitchen window, smoke billowing out the window around them.

Once the four of them had returned all of themselves into the house and the door was closed, Jason looked down at me with an expression beyond confused.

“How do you even know those people?” He questioned disbelievingly.

“One of them is Peter and Isobel’s son and the other three are his friends. I had an encounter with them while I was baking with Isobel one day, and also one of them helped with when I slipped that one day in the driveway.”

“But he seemed so…normal then.”

“You don’t really know a person until you seem them around their friends,” I said with a shrug before looking back down at my book as if to say that I was done speaking on the manor.

But by then my entire relaxed posture had vanished and I sat rigid against Jason, not being able to shake the feeling of his, and another pair of, eyes on me. With a glance out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex watching me from the kitchen window.

♠ ♠ ♠
And so Jason has finally met the entire band~

Okay so my plan right now is to update every night while I'm still on Christmas break from school, and then at least once a week after I start back to school.

Will that make up for me being gone?

Anyway, go forth and comment! Let me know what you think of Jason slowly figuring out more than Chris wants him to?

P.S. I'm thinking of changing the title~ Let me know what you think about that. If I do the new name will be something along the lines of "And He's Making You Scream With His Hands On Your Hips"