Status: Waiting for more readers and comments.

Ancient Death

Chapter: 06

Her sister is gone!
Forever. Never coming back.
But this woman looked a whole lot like her. Like Aribeth. She needed air. She needed to breath.
Which is unfortunate since she is.
Though everything was happening so fast, she couldn't leave the woman. Not like this, not for her own selfish needs. She shall not be selfish.

It's the least she can do. From all the disasters and tradegies she caused, it's something she can do.
She can't understand this, but for the first time, she doesn't feel reluctant to help someone.

It's because she looks like her, you idiot!

She couldn't help but wonder, but what will the woman think when she woke? What would she do then? It was probably best not to think about that now. Not yet anyways. When the time comes, she will think about it then. For now though, she spoke.



She doesn't remember how long ago she had spoken. For why her voice came out cracked and shaky. But she guessed it had to be awhile ago since she doesn't know how long she was unconcious down in that sewer.
She shook the woman, or started to, to see if that would help.

It didn't.

But she was glad, for a moment later she realized how odd it would be to see a strange woman with black shining eyes like coal, standing over her. How bizarre it would seem.
So maybe she should take the woman somewhere else. It would be less freaky, and more private that way.

Where would she go?
A park?
An alley?
A hotel?
Where should she go?

First before she did anything else, she went to the car, grabbed the keys, for the woman would need them later. She knew this.
She checked what route she was on. Memorized it. Like a file inside her mind, and went back to where she stood before.
With the woman.

She quickly put the keys in her pocket, and lifted up the human with all her strength and energy she could manage. The woman was light, so it wasn't hard. Her powers doesn't come with strength. Mostly speed, and her acute senses, though they were still reliable. She used her speed to make up the strength she lacked.

Maybe death isn't strong. Hard to believe, but it's possible. It could have made people believe it wasn't. Mistaking fear for strength. Or maybe she's a lunatic that's imagining all this, who obviously has no control over herself to wake up from this terrifying nightmare.
She told herself that was silly. For it was. This is reality.

She is Death.

She might as well accept it now. No more denying it. Admitting is always the first step. Accepting the second. At that moment, she did both.
She should no longer be questioning herself at all about this. For what and who is she. She already knows. Just not patient enough for it to come to her. Her mind just worked that way.

She sighed and started walking with the woman's weight on her back to the closest hotel she could find.


She was bathed in moonlight.

Clutching the blanket close to her chest, or that was how it looked from afar. She knew she wasn't.
Otherwise she would have moved and be awake. She did none of those things. She knew as she stared for what seemed like forever.
But she laid there motionless, both arms visible at her sides. Her chest was rising up and down, but other than that, she was not moving.

Azshara will not get worried. This woman is fine. She is just resting, or knocked out cold. Depending on how you would look at it.
She's not dead.

But she was absolutedly sure of one thing.

For the first time in her life, the goddess felt frightened

Frightened at the possiblity of this woman not ever waking up.
Frightened at how much she looked like her sister. The resemblance.
Frightened at what this woman would think when she woke.

Azshara, how did you let yourself get this insecure?

She's not insecure. Just a weakness. Everyone has them.

But your not everyone...your different, you know that.

There was a laugh. Her laugh. The thing is, she wasn't laughing. It was inside her head.
What was going on. Has she finally gone nuts?

Your not even human, or immortal for that matter. The voice carried on.

Oh, and yes. Yes you are nuts-

"Shut up!" she yelled. Before the voice could go any further.

She tried blocking her cruel voice inside her head. Her attempt at this was covering her ears with her cold hands. It worked, but she had a feeling that won't be the last encounter she'll have.

What was that, anyway?

"Who are you?"

For the slightest moment, she thought it was that voice again. But it wasn't. She looked across the room, dim with only the moon as light. Enough for her to see, but not for a mortal

She looked, and all she could see was her sister's sky blue eyes staring right back at her.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think?
It's getting there
But if your reading this, please tell me what you think.
I dont know if I should carry on with it or not.
I read a lot of stories on here and it's mostly love stories.
(Ironic, since I just finished a love story)
I wanted to try something different, and have it with sisters.
For it could be relateble if you had one. So please comment.
It's very much appreciated. Thank you!