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Ancient Death

Chapter: 08

That was harder than she thought. It was easier said than done. She thought of a quote from one of her favourite books: Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong ~Francisco d'Anconia.
Smiling, Azshara thought, Francisco, you have not met me.
Pressing the glowly yellow down button by the elevator, she couldn’t help but think what a long day it was. So full of surprises.


The elevator door opened, letting a bright light cover her and half the hallway. In the corner was a man. She couldn’t see his face but his stance and build told her his gender. His was wearing dark clothing. His skin was pale, and hair so black. She didn’t like this guy. It gave her chills just looking at him. Was he evil?

She tried clearing her mind, willing herself to relax. Relax Azshara, nothing to worry about....
Her shoulders sagged in relief. ...when your dead. She tensed up. Glanced at the man again. She wanted to see his eyes. To see if he was looking her as she looked at him. But they were covered by his hood. The only thing she could she was his smirk in the light. She knew that smirk from somewhere. Where had she seen it?


The elevator door opening made her jump. Relax. The man nodded his head as to say good day and left out the door, leaving her frustrated and...cold? How could she be so chilly?

She was finally in the lobby. Good. She was never happier. Something about him was so familiar, but the way he made her feel was unbearable.

She smiled and nodded at the receptionist as she headed out the lobby door. Was it her or did he give her a frightened look? She wasn’t a horrible person. Was she? She didn’t know anymore. And to be honest, she didn’t care.

She didn’t know where to go next, so instead she just kept walking until she looked up in time to see she was entering a cemetery.

She’s going insane.
Those were the words that ran through her head as she continued to walk around the dark cemetery, looking at the names, the graves, the trees, the dead flowers. She felt as though her head was going to explode. Like her body was going to fall apart into a million pieces. From anger, frustration, grief. She never got to properly grieve over her sister. She just shrugged everything off. Faked a smile and went on in life. Acted as though everything was alright when absolutely nothing was. But when she was alone, (which was all the time) the smile disappeared and the tears fell.

And she did. She let the tears fall not caring who saw. Not caring at all. Before, she hated crying. She thought it was a sign of weakness.

Just then, she hears a whimpering sounds. Sounds of help. She starts to jog hoping she doesn’t detect where she is yet investigate as fast as she can. As she gets closer, she hears words. Specifically "Stop." And "Please don't do this." She starts creeping, blending with the night and its shadows. She hides behind a some shrubbery. Watching intently.

"John! Please stop. Get off me. I don't-"

"Shut up bitch and enjoy this!" he interrupted.

He was forcing her. Kissing all over her face with slobbery kisses, all the way down her neck. The woman tried moving away but this man, 'John' was on top of her. His whole body weight keeping her pinned. She knew the feeling.

"No! I am not! I hate you!" She cried, tears sliding down her cheeks.

"You don’t mean that. Take it back. Now! I command you!" he screamed.

"I do and you cant make me do anything!"

With that, John took out a gun, holding it at the girl's face. She screamed even harder, trying to get away, struggling. As Azshara watched, so many dark thoughts took over. Wondering what it would be like to twist his neck, hearing it crack, causing many bones in his spinal cord to break. Running towards them before he could shoot, she thought so many times how to kill him. Use his gun on him, penetrating through his cold heart. Crush his skull with her own bare hands.


Crap! She was too late. She was so close. Noticing someone behind him, he got up then. Gun pointed at her. "Put your hands behind your back."

She does as he commands. "You don't want to do this, John."
"Why not?" He cuffs her and drags her down the small hills of the cemetery.
He's a cop!?
The darkness in the east has grown, but nonetheless still empty. She speaks in a pitiful voice. (pretending she’s scared)
"Please, we both know we don’t want this to happen!"
He slaps her head with the gun. "I’m sorry, babe, but you’ve got to disappear."
He drags her toward his Honda Accord, which is the main reason for her charade. She doesn’t want to kill him in the open space, not with all the new techniques for uncovering evidence that modern-day cops have at their disposal. Better John drive her to his own dumping ground in his vehicle. Wiping away her prints will only take seconds, she's new to the city, he has lived here for years. He knows the area better than her. He'll know the perfect spot to make a body disappear.
He doesn’t shove her into the trunk but forces her to drive, There are holes in her story, and he senses them, like a dangerous man would. He wants to know everything he can before he kills her. No surprises messing up his draft night.
In the car, he cuffs her to the steering wheel and digs the gun into her ribs. Yet she refuses to talk unless he lets her listen to the radio.
"What the hell?" he mumbles. "Are you nuts or something?"
"I like music. Don’t you?"
"I don’t think you grasp what’s going on here."
"Do you want me to turn right or left at the corner?"
"Left." He shakes his head. "You are one weird bitch, you know that?"
"I like to think I’m unique."
"How did you hear me? The truth."
She glances at him and lets her voice go cold. "You’ll see."
He shifts uncomfortable at her sudden change in tone. He keeps the gun in her side, but there’s a tremor in his grip. Her cold tone can be like ice to mortals. He no longer feels in control

But he intends to still kill her, and rape her, she’s not sure in what order. They drive far into the countryside before they turn down a dirt road that leads through a patch of thick trees. She smells the swampy water before she sees the green pond. He's buried bodies underneath its surface. She smells them as well.
The spot is perfect for murder. Totally isolated, with a lake deep enough to hide a hundred corpses and wash away an endless number of fingerprints. John disconnects her from the steering wheel but keeps her cuffed. He orders her out of his car. Now that he has her alone, his confidence returns. He forces her to go to the edge of the pond. The grass is tall and thick; it clings to our legs. The air is humid, filled with the faint buzz of insects. She can tell he's excited, but she doesn’t need her goddess skills to know that. His pants bulge.
He points the gun at her. "Strip," he orders.
She holds up her cuffed wrists. "With these on?"
He cocks the gun. "Do it!"
"No. I’m...shy."
He shakes his head in disbelief. "You're shy? Do you see what I’m holding? Do you know what it will feel like if I put a cap in your belly? Trust me, you don’t want to find out."
He raises the gun, takes aim at her stomach and fires. She feels pain, but an irritation pain. For a mortal it would be unbearable. But not for her.
She slips out of the cuffs as it she were Houdini. But she doesn’t snap them in two. She needs them. Taking a step toward him, she lets him see more of the real her. Her eyes, she feels the heat and knows they must burn. He suddenly has trouble looking at her.
"What the hell," he whispers.
"You see, I’ve just been acting the fool to fool you. All along I wanted you to bring me to this spot, to where you dump girls you don’t let go. Only I didn’t know where it was. That’s why I let you give me directions."

She allowed her voice to change further, to take on the timbre of her true years. People, when they hear how ancient she really is, usually do one of two things. They freeze in awe or shake with fear. Johnny isn't in awe of her, not yet, but he begins to pale.

"Who are you?" he mumbles.

She reaches into her black boot and removes her blade.

"Death," she says as she comes closer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like it!!!
So scary!! Oh jeez I love Azshara!! :)
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