Status: Finished.

Twisted Symphony


“Everything alright?” I hear Johnnie ask as he reaches for the spare chair in the practice room.

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” I look up at him and stick my pencil into my messy bun.

“Well, with what you said a couple of nights ago- I..I just haven’t seen you outside of class in a while and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” He shrugs, resting his arms on the back of the chair.

“I’m fine.” I breathe, half annoyed. “Just busy.”

“With Reid?” He smirks.

“I thought you said you haven’t seen me outside of class.

“Well, not alone.” He shrugs that careless shrug of his.

“You haven’t talked to Kayla yet. It’s been four days.” I narrow my eyes at him as if I’m looking for something.

“What are you doing with him?” His eyes narrow in on me, like he’s curious.

“Having fun.” I push stray strands of hair behind my ear. “Is that a problem?”

“He’s nice.” Johnnie nods.

“I know.” I smile.

“Are you okay?” He leans forward in his chair, examining me.

“Listen, I appreciate your concern, but I don’t need a babysitter, and it would be a lot easier if you just forgot last Friday.”

“Yeah?” He gets up from the chair. “We’ll I’ve already tried that.” His face twists into a frown, then a small smirk. “Turns out, I can’t do that.”


“I made a mistake.” I mumble into my cell phone as Adam chews loudly into my ear.

“I’m still trying to figure out this Reid guy. It’s barely been three days and you go from purging your Daddy issues to Jason-”

“Johnnie.” I correct. He ignores it.

“And within twelve seconds you tell me you’ve found Mr. Perfect.” He finishes.

“I told you! I didn’t mean to tell him anything, it just sort of happened! Besides, I told you about Reid! He’s in my music theory class and he’s a really great guy. He’s sweet and chivalrous,, and a really good-,”

“We are not about to talk about kissing your bitch. This conversation will end within the next three seconds if you try to continue.” He warns.

“I’m sorry! Sometimes I forget! Okay? I just need your help.” I cry into my cell phone as I pace in a vacant practice room.

“With what, exactly?” I mean you seem to have fucked shit up pretty well.” He lets out a light laugh, amused.

“Thanks, Adam.” Sarcasm eating my words.

“What do you want me to tell you? You have to do what makes you happy. Whoever that may be.” He snorts.

“Adam!” I squeak.

“Relax, I’m joking. I have to go, I’m going to be late for work.” He laughs.

“Alright, bye.” I mumble as the line goes dead.

I’m lying in my bed in the middle of the afternoon, contemplating if I’m in the mood for lunch with Reid or lunch with anyone, for that matter.

“Oh my gosh! I have to talk to you!” Kayla screeches as she come out of the bathroom with her hair wrapped in a towel.

“What?” I jump up in my bed.

“Johnnie just stopped by a couple of hours ago and he started saying all these things. He started apologizing and telling me that he was sorry for treating me the way he did, and saying those things like he did. Even though it was true, he felt bad for how he said it. He told me that I need to understand that we aren’t a couple.” She sighs.

“And?” I pry.

“And he wants to try being friends.” She rolls her eyes.

“And… I have enough friends. I want Johnnie.” She shrugs mindlessly.

“You said that?” Does she realize how unhealthy that is?

“Of course not. Why say what I can show?” She grins with her intentions written all over her face.

“So what did you say?” I look at her expectantly.

“I said that we should try to be friends.” She shrugs. “What was I suppose to say?” She begins to brush out her hair.

Crazy ginger bitch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty. I love every single comment. You have no idea what they mean to me. Please continue to comment. How did this chapter hit you hows Kayla?
