Status: Complete

Two Days Old

Two Day Old

So I’m to blame
The reason why you left him a mess and without a sigh

“I got a call from Zack today,” I muttered hesitantly, drumming my fingers on the armrest.

You shift slightly in your small chair and intertwine my hand with yours. “How is he?”

How can you sound so unaffected? You spent three years with the guy. You say he was your first love.

I squeeze your delicate hand in search of comfort. “He's fine.”

Why wouldn't he be fine after his girlfriend of three years left him in the City of Love and Romance? Isn't it ridiculous that he had spent the past 24 hours locked in his hotel room crying over the woman he loves? How stupid was he for feeling betrayed by you? He had no reason to have pain that needed to be cured by tossing back shots of liquor until he passed out.

Of course, he was elated to perform at our band's sold out concert, not miserable because he couldn't purpose to you on stage like he had planned.

He was first I was next but enough to make you leave his side

“Did you tell him about us?” you asked off-handedly.

Yes, I told one of my best friends that I helped you cheat on him. Yes, I told my band's bassist that I slept with the women he hoped to marry. Yes, I told the guy that was like a brother to me that I fell in love with his girlfriend and allowed her to convince me to let her leave him for me.

I told him because I want him to think of me like he thinks of you - a heartless bitch.


But do you know?
Do you know what happens next

My pocket vibrated as we waited at the carousel for our luggage. I kissed your forehead and told you I'd be right back, that my manager was calling. You smiled at me, not knowing it was Zack that I walked away to talk to.

You didn't know how he threatened to kill the fool who took you away.

You didn't hear his voice breaking as he choked out that he couldn't take it anymore.

You didn't cry at the imaginary sound of the gun that he shot at me because I took you away.

You didn't cry at the imaginary sound of the gun he shot at himself because of the pain.

You didn’t know how glad I was that he didn’t have a gun nor the guts to get one.

As he’s torn apart left thinking
She got on a plane and their miles apart
Dug a little hole then she buried his heart
With the one she trusts, and their on the run

You're phone rang out the song I helped him write, in part, about you as we sat in the car, riding off into the sunset.

He was the poet while she was the muse,

but she had a pen that she knew how to use,

with a touch of redemption, a hint of elation

“What does the text say?” I grit through clenched teeth, my knuckles turning white as I clench the steering wheel.

You snort in the most unladylike fashion, “The loser was searching through my email and found a confirmation letter from the airline for two tickets to L.A. He says that he will always be better than whoever I ran off with.”

I force myself to swallow, knowing Zack was right. He would never have helped you betray someone who loved you. I was too selfish and gave into my own carnal desires instead of being a righteous guy and saying 'no' like he would have.

“He's completely wrong, Alex,” you smirk as you squeeze my thigh suggestively.

Tears fall like the rain
I feel a little bad when think of the pain
That you put him through
Am I such a fool such a fool?

”I really thought she loved me.”

I glanced at your sleeping form, at the blanket slipping to show your bare shoulder. “I know, bro.”

”Why would she do this to me? I gave her everything I could,” Zack's voice cracked, from 6,000 miles away.

“Because she's a bitch,” I muttered, ignoring your shivers in the cool night. You didn't deserve to be completely comfortable and carefree after the pain you caused my sweet, selfless friend; thus I wouldn't pull the covers around your shoulders.

A stifled sob came from the receiving end of my phone. ”Don't say that. She just... she... she... I'm such a fool! I screwed up!"

I had to turn down the volume of my cell, my bassist's cries splitting my eardrum. I sat there listening to him weep over you for two hours, when he had finally cried himself to sleep.

You ripped apart his heart, not even caring that you two had spent the last three years 'madly in love' as you claimed. We hadn't even been together for a full 24 hours and I was already falling head over heels for you, but I'm not stupid. I know you don't feel the same. You practically killed someone you loved, I'm terrified what you'll do to someone you don't love.

I'm such a fool for involving myself with you.

Yea here we are, and every line
I say seems to come out right on time
It’s a first none the less just enough
To keep you where you are

“Hey, 'Lex?” you mumbled, your voice hoarse from sleep.

I hated being called that. I twisted on my side so I could face you, “Yeah, babe?”

“Am I a,” your lips pinched together as you searched for the right word, “a completely horrible monster for leaving Zack?”


“Did you truly love him?” I asked tightly. I didn’t want to know your answer.

“Yes. No. Maybe. Ugh! I don’t know!” you cry out, your words muffled by the pillow you clutch over your face.

I pulled the pillow out of your deadly grasp and returned it to its rightful place under your head. “See? You were right to leave him if you weren’t sure that you felt as strongly about him as he did you. I mean, you would be a horrible monster if you kept leading him on, but you didn’t, so you’re not.”

I could feel your smile as you kissed my lips, “You’re right. You’re always right.”

Was I right when I slept with the girl my best friend wanted to marry? Was I right when I ran away with her? Was I right when I told you that you weren’t a horrible monster?


But will it change?
Will I be the next one hurt?
or the next one to complain
that she got on a plane and their miles apart
Dug a little hole then she buried his heart
With the one she trusts, and they're on the run

The annoying sound from my phone signaled that Zack was calling shortly after you stepped into the shower. I was definitely safe to talk to him freely for the next hour.

“Sup, Z?” I greeted, lacing my voice with as much joy as I could in hopes of erasing all traces of guilt.

“They’ve been in L.A. for about 10 hours now,” he snapped.

I took a large gulp of coffee, “Huh?”

“Christi and that... that fucker she’s with,” he snarled. Zack never swore.

“Oh,” I sated simply.

“Of course that’s assuming they didn’t leave L.A. and go elope in Vegas.”

I held the phone to my ear for a few long moments, unsure of what to say. Would it be better for me to tell him now that I went off with his girlfriend, you, and that we were, indeed, in L.A., at his condo to be exact, or wait until I was face to face with him so he could give me the beating that I deserved?

Tears fall like the rain
I feel it pretty bad when I think of the pain
That you put me through, am I’m such a fool?

“What was that?” Zack asked from halfway around the world.

I bit my lip to hold in my tears as I looked from my bloody knuckles to the hole in the wall. A better representation would be you knuckles covered in Zack's blood and mine from the holes you made in our hearts.

Or perhaps, my knuckles should have been covered with Zack's blood.

“What was that?” Zack demanded.

“Wha’?” I said distantly.

I could hear the concern and annoyance in my friend’s voice, “Nothing, I just knocked over a... bookcase.”

“You knocked over a whole bookcase?” he said skeptically.

“Er... well it was pretty much empty so-“

“Since when do you read? Hold on! I’m getting a call from Christi!” Zack cheered, before hanging up on me.

Did he forget that she just ran off with another guy and left him behind?

She’ll move on, what is she waiting for?

I sat in front of the television for two hours before I saw Christi. I was grateful that I didn’t actually start to drool as she stood in front of me in a short, strapless, satin black dress. My raging libido was in the backseat while my guilt drove.

“I’m going to run to the store for some groceries, this place is as empty as the belly of one of those starving kids on T.V. that they show as a scam to get you to send money to them.”

Always the sensitive one you were.

“You want me to go with you?”

You waved your hand in a dismissive manner, “I’m going to the salon first and I’m sure you don’t want to tag-a-long for that, so I’ll see you later.

You were up to something.

She got on a plane and their miles apart
Dug a big hole then she buried my heart
With the one she trusts, and their on the run

“Guess what!” my friend shouted as soon as I flipped open my phone.

“What?” I asked, already having an inkling about what he was so happy about.

“Christi! She’s...” He was struggling to catch his breath in his excitement.

I made sure to end the call before I let my phone fall to the ground. I could always say the signal was lost; that happened a lot with international calls.

Tears fall like the rain

I feel it pretty bad when I think of the pain
That you put me through, am I’m such a fool?

So what am I waiting for?
Yea when she keeps running, she keeps running.
She’s moved on, she’s moved on
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit goes to Cash Cash.
Comments, please?
Should I make a sequel?