A Flowered Dream Spell

#3 What goes on must continue

Lunar waking up after a few hours went to shower and prepare for work.
Hana laid there most of the day the sun beating down on her body.
Lunar realising she hadn't seen Hana allday began to worry. "I could go visit but then maybe i'm bothering her, I know i'll erase and secretly watch.- Lunar went to spy on Hana
Hana couldn't move she just layed on the ground in the sunlight breathing softly and unconsious.
Lunar deciding to stay erased healed Hana from the shadows and quickly began to leave the scene.
"Be safe" Lunar whispered.
Hana woke up a little and looked around "Lunar?...."
There was no reply
She sat up slowly and looked around her vision still bluring and her insides ached- "Damn it... I haven't hurt this bad in a while..." She slowly made her way home stumbling every now and then.
Lunar back at work preparing to leave in the middle of afternoon "Oh Lunar leaving early?" "Yes i'm not feeling well." "Oh ok feel better." "Lunar walked out of the clinic."
Hana looked at one of her tattoos that went from her hand to her shoulder and beyond and shook her head.
Lunar went on a walk through town. She did do this often though.
Hana's hand started to burn again, she felt nothing but it burned anyway.
Lunar feeling uneasy decided to spy on Hana again by erasing her exsistence.
Hana sighed and let her hand burn out though her flesh was only charred- "...." -she got up and fixed herself something to eat-
Lunar secretly hiding realised she didn't heal all of Hana. So she fixed her mistake and fixed everything on Hana.
Hana looked up suddenly "Lunar? I know your there...."
Lunar didn't say anything but quietly left the scene.
Hana followed not knowing any direction she was going stumbling over a few things "Lunar! Lunar wait! Stop don't leave..." She came to a halt in the middle of the forrest
Lunar wondered why Hana was so desperate so stayed to watch.
-she fell to her knees- "Wh-why do you do that?! Y-You protect me or heal me and then vanish?! Give me some anwsers! "
Lunar in confusion continued to watch.
She transformed into the pheniox again is an omnious and demonic toned vioce it began to talk for hana- "Why! Why do you love to protect a monster?! You have a purpose! Why do you go out of your way to protect me!!? I need anwsers.... But all I have is Questions!!!"
Lunar appeared before Hana forcfully powering her down. Then slapped her in the face.Do you realise how much you don't care about yourself you sound suicidle but you've yet to kill yourself.This means your looking for help. Thats why i'm in this town,all this time all I could hear was you crying in your own sorrow snap out of it!!!! Lunar yelled in rage
the Hana I know is stronger than this.
You don't know me at all...." she said silently. Hana kept her face turned towards the cheek Lunar slapped
No I know you quite well,you believe that all humans hate you because a few said it. THE ONLY REASON YOU HATE YOURSELF IS BECAUSE THE HUMANS DO!!!!! IF YOU HATE THEM SO MUCH THEN WHY DO YOU CARE??!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I BELIEVE????-lunar yelled in rage I believe that you actually want to get along with them. With a warm smile said Lunar.
She stayed silent for a few moments pondering what was said "I honestly could care less about them.... I hate humans.... I hate myself.... but for some reason... I can't bring myself to hate you..." her eyes were cold and dark with no emotion in her face whatsoever"
"Why exactly do you hate yourself? Because your different?"
"Because unlike you, I have no emotions... or at least I didn't think I had any... Or the ones I do have are hate andger and violece...."
"No thats not true. Remember when you went to try and kill ranul? Weren't you worried for my sake? that shows caring and compasion."
"I only show what I have been showed." She turned away and sighed and silently started to leave.
"You realize your only making exscuses?"
"I don't care..." -she continued to walk away.
Lunar let out a deep sigh "That girl it just soo thick headed"
She walked out to a clearing and sat down.
Lunar noticed it was getting dark but was surprisingly happy about it. "Ay Ranul tonight I wanna do the work i've got rage to vent." A smile appeared across Ranuls face,"Sure happily." Lunar pulled out a scythe but not like usual. It was blue and Lunar was a uncomparably stronger than Ranul. Off with a smile Lunar went to hunt.