A Flowered Dream Spell

#5 I'll Wake you up

"Hello my name is Lunar yes as you can see I'm different but I do protect you all." In amazement the people crowd around Lunar asking questions,and giving complements
Hana watched form afar staying in her perch.
"Hana" Lunar said softly "I know you can change back come on I'm sure they'd like to meet there other protector."
She turned her head and walked deeper into the castle, I'm fine... don't worry about it."
Lunar teleported up grabbed Hana and teleported back down. "Everyone this is protector number two she believes humans hate her lets show her some love." They all began to cheer.
Hana growled a little and tried to make her way out of the crowd."Lunar... t-too much noise... i-it hurts..." she ran off into the woods again
lunar went and got Hana back. nope not until you say something to the humans
She grunted: "I am a wolf how the hell am I supposed to talk to them?! Plus I didn't-- wasn't protecting them... I was getting revenge...:"-She kept running through the woods-
Lunar turned Hana back into other form. "Ahhh...but you killed the beast who did nothing to you, revenge Hana? Get over it times change they like you you have people who wanna be you say hello for all i care just say something." They teleported back.
-Hana had reared back and let her fist fly and hit Lunar square in the jaw- "Stop trying to control me! I know Who I am I know what I want! I wanted revenge and I got it, there isn't any point for me to say hello! They won't care."
"You want revenge? Revenge against people who are innocent I bet you don't even know the ones who said they hated yous names do you?
your stereo typing without knowing anyone can't you accept people they've done nothing wrong. yea your different but is anyone the same?"
"I didn't want revenge on them! I wanted revenge for myself! All I care about is me! That's how every part of this world is! It's all about what I can do for myself!"
Lunar looked at Hana with a stare, with a calm face said: "you're lying
She chuckled and looked around at the stares, "I'm not lying... It's all about what I can do for myself.... Get that though your head."
With that same stare: "you're lying"
"Your hopeless... Your lying to yourself. I'm sure all Ranul thinks is what it can do for itself.... ask it!!! GO ON! Ask HER!!! See what she says!" She walked over to a man and grabbed his arm rather firmly- "You wouldn't give up your life for a stranger would you?! No, because it's all about what you can do for yourself...." She let him go and walked over to Lunar- "NOW TELL ME THAT I'M LYING!"
With that stare: "you're lying"
She slapped her face- "Get over yourself!!! You know it's the truth!"
If you weren't you wouldn't react that way.
"Its impossible to care for only yourself"
"It's not. Because I do."
She shoved her way through the crowd back to the forest-
"So when I was protecting you and you had all those questions without answers you didn't care? When I wouldn't tell you my secret and you followed me all over the place you didn't care? Hana is lying."
: "Hana doesn't exist.... not anymore....." She had stopped and then kept walking.
Lunar followed Hana.
Hana stopped in the forest and turned around."What?!
"I wish to meet the real Hana.
"As I said, she doesn't exist anymore."
"Hana is lying"
"Hana doesn't lie, because she doesn't exist"
"Then why do you continue to call yourself Hana?"
"Because what I am doesn't have a name. No one wants to name me... I don't care to be named."
"I do, but all you do is run
and that is because you know I'm right."
"What does that matter? I don't think your right."
"Then why do you run?"
"Because I don't want to be here."
"Then why don't you die?"
she looked at her with an emotionless stare "Your right about that. Kill me."
"Do it yourself"
She chuckled- "I can't do that..."
"I am not allowed too... "
"It's a curse... I can't harm myself...."
Then you do not wish to die
"It's a curse I cannot break... Some one else has too."
"A curse? can easily become a blessing."
"How is this good?"
"Well if you don't want to die and you cant whats the problem?"
"I want to die!"
"You're lying"
" No I'm not."
"If you want to die you'd be dead"
"I want to die.... kill me."
"Hana when will I meat the real you?"
"She doesn't exist, don't you understand? She has been eliminated!"
" You cant tell a dreamwalker when someone doesn't exist,
you're lying"
She shook her head and looked at Lunar "I am not."
"Lunar walked closer to Hana.
-she stared at her- "What?"
Lunar stared at Hana touched her forehead. "Lets see you can't move anymore I'll wake up the real Hana."