A Flowered Dream Spell


"Now she'll have to talk because she's never been to a mall before."
She shook her head and walked around thinking "What a strange place....:-
"Hey you sing first I'll be right back. Luna went to spy on Hana erasing her existence.
Hana walked around brushing past a few people, she had turned her head for a moment and then ran into a boy slightly older than her- "O-Oh I'm sorry.. about that..." She looked at him and said shyly.
"Ohh Luna said things are getting interesting. Good thing Hana's still wearing the clothes."
He had smiled back at her. "No. sorry that was my fault.. I should of looked where I was going..."
He smiled and held out his hand. "I'm Cody...." He smiled: Hana looked at the hand and then shook his hand- "I'm Hana... n-nice to meet you.."
"Yes Hana you go girl. Luna went back to get her date and they spied together.By the way his name was Berith.There was real connection.
He stuttered a little before getting out a audible sentence- "Do.. Do you want to get something to eat?" He motioned towards the food court,Hana looked up at him and then peered around to the food court as her stomach growled and nodded softly- "Yes.. that would be fun."
"Haaaa how nice. Hey Berith." "Yea?"
"Lets go Kay?"
Hana walked next to Cody to a stand and he ordered and paid as Hana went to go find a seat: "OH MY GODD.... DO ALL PEOPLE DO THAT!?" She thought to herself looking for a table.
"Luna asked Berith what he wanted to do. He wanted to be somewhere alone. So they went to the park.
Hana and Cody ate and sat and talked for a few hours and before you know it it was time for the mall to close.
Luna noticing the night had to go."Hey Berith I'll see you later I had fun by. wait when can I see you again? Luna wrote her address down gave it to him,he kissed her,she blushed slightly and left. "Ay Ranul it's your turn. Lunar's hair and eyes went back pale blue the smile appeared, and Ranul was free to roam the night.
-Cody walked Hana as far as she would let him- "T-thank you... you have been really ki--" -Cody had leaned in and kissed her softly, he pulled back and grinned- "I had fun... We should meet up again, okay?" Hana nodded speechless as he waved and left.
Ranul was out laughing through the night again. Slashing again Lunar sleeping. It was morning again and Lunar headed home covered in blood again,but outside her house was Berith. He saw Lunar and was shocked silent. Hana was rather giddy and was walking past Lunar's house and saw the guy that Luna had grabbed earlier.
Lunar asked why he was here. He said he'd wanted to see me. "W-what happened?" He asked. "Don't worry I just tripped." "Don't lie!" he said. Lunar passed out in his arms.
Hana ran over and opened Luna's apartment- "Come on...."
Lunar was injured badly.
Hana lead him upstairs to her bed and started to fix up the wound.
How did this happen to her?
"I-I don't know I wasn't there..." She looked away and kept working.
"I-I don't know what happened... Honestly."
"You're easy to read I'm concerned about my girlfriend. Please tell me I don't want to see her like this."
"I'm not that easy... We are fixing her up, she'll be fine..." Hana fixed up Lunar and sat down in a chair.
"Please!! I know I only met her a day ago but in that day so much changed for me please!!!!! W-wait could this be a regular thing for her?"
Hana looked away silent.
"So it's true... I guess I'll have to ask her my self. I thank you but can we be alone please?"
Hana jumped out the window.
Luna....Luna wake up. Her eyes opened briefly. "Ugh..Berith. Why are you here?"
Hana sighed and sat on the roof listening.
"I was so worried about you how did all this happen to you?" "I can't say right now you can wait here but let me rest until the afternoon."
Lunar smiled a little.
AFTERNOON: "Lunar Sighed as she began to sit up, "My heads hurt what a na- "LUNA!" Berith hugged her. "I was soo worried now explain how did this happen?"
Hana had fallen asleep till all the shouting and continued to listen.
"I...cant say...Lunar looked away. "Hana i know you're up there come down."
Hana sighed and came in from the window.
"H-how did you- in through the window?! And y-you new she was there??" "It's a long story with a lotta drama."
Hana chuckled and sat on the bed next to Lunar.
"I can't tell you right now,it took Hana forever to get me to tell her,but I'm just not ready to continue to tell you."
Hana looked at him.
"Sorry it's getting late you should get home QUICKLY." Lunar got serious."Oh yea my names actually Lunar sorry to have not told you that."
Hana crossed her arms after opening the door- "Yea you should go."
"Hana could you take him please I have "something" to attend to."
Hana nodded and pushed him out the door and pushed him all the way to his house and locked him inside the closet.