A Flowered Dream Spell


Lunar's mind was thinking so duty was handed over to Ranul. The evil smile appeared and Ranul's scythe appeared ,off to hunt she went.
Hana walked away from his house and looked around the town curious about the humans fleeing into their house as night approached.
Ranul cut and slashed all her enemy's with laughter and a huge smirk.
Hana sat on a rooftop gazing at the stars.
Ranul continued laughing there was an enemy she didn't kill completely she noticed,she took her hand grabbed its neck dug in and ripped out its spine.
Hana fell asleep on the rooftop.
A few hours later the sun began to rise.
Hana looked up bothered by the sun and jumped to a shady alley.
Lunar back to herself drug her body halfway home, but passed out
Hana walked out of the alley surprised to find Lunar, she looked one way then another and picked her up and set her in her own bed as she got home.
Lunar remained sleep.
Hana darted out of the village and back to her house and fell asleep on her bed.
Lunar's eyes opened briefly. "Ugh....were am--" When pain struck through her entire body. "AHHHHHH!!!!" She screamed. "W-What is t-this" She was paralyzed the pain was so intense.
Berith bust down the closet doors running back to Lunar's apartment.
Lunar couldn't think the pain was so bad screaming couldn't describe it. Up the steps Berith bust through the door.
Hana laid on her bed and continued to sleep.
"L-LUNAR!!!" Berith screamed."Are you OK??" Lunar's eyes wide with pain she couldn't speak,then her body got fuzzy, then she went black. a smirk appeared it was Ranul.